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Thu, Jul 10 2014 4:58 PM (161 replies)
  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 12:41 AM

    Not being a masochist, I haven't read every post in this thread, but I think I get the general drift of it and what Alex is getting at.

    Humans have developed a capacity for self-deception that allows us, for example, to pledge our undying love to a prospective mate, to embrace religious faith, to sell new and used cars with the utmost sincerity, to get elected to public office, and so on.

    In short, we've developed the capacity to believe our own lies, and thus convince the other of our truthfulness.  When one knows one is lying, one gives away the game by unconscious telltale signs such as perspiring, nervous tics, and hundreds of other "tells." A lie detector works precisely because of this.

    But when one practices the art of self-deception, the tells go undetected because they fail to materialize.

    This capacity for self-deception has its roots in evolutionary development, since those who were good at it tended to reproduce more successfully than those who weren't.

    The quick-and-dirty version of the above is:

    Everything you know is wrong.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 8:29 AM

    Oh god, please dont encourage him.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 9:36 AM

    I found this whilst perusing the internet for books quite recently..

    "Truth is the collapsed waveform of an observed phenomenon. Truth is what is, rather than what could be.

    On a scientific level, truth is objective. Things are what they are.

    Water is H2O, and it will never be anything else.

     Conversely, H2O will never be anything besides water,(or steam, or ice, technically, but they’re all just different states of the same matter.)  This all changes when you get down to the quantum level, of course, where things get INCREDIBLY crazy and fun…  lol

    On a philosophical level, truth is entirely subjective, and I’m not even sure truth actually exists. 

    Nothing is black-and-white. Everyone has their own ''opinions'', their own ''experience'', and nobody can ever know the opinions and experience of somebody else as fully as they know their own. Therefore, morality and meaning is entirely relative to each person.

    However, we can also never know the full scope of all the consequences that would arise from each “morally ambiguous” decision, and therefore even our own “morality” is biased and flawed.

    Even in a lie there is a truth!!.


    ( It is harder to conquer ones self than to conquer others..)

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 11:50 AM

    Speaking on the topic of 'God' or truths...

    I'd just like to know the truth on how this person built this mysterious area Coral Castle , and then how he even moved it to another location. If a 'mere' human has this power, I wonder what other power there is in the world, let alone, the entire Universe.

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 12:18 PM

    Well done mkg. Mkg is one of the brainy guys here. 

    You probably articulated well. My words are like fill in the dots. Some there some do not.I will make you guess , most of the time people miss the context. ( if i articulate well i will become new age prophet(glorified conman) . hahah)

    if i spoon feed , then its worthless. Its like selling bliss for free. Anything free has no value even if you give ton of gold , people will respect for the gold.

    it is just human nature. 

    I rather make people fish for themself than giving them free fish through out the life. You waste two people life in that transaction.

    Every one lies to a different degree. Even child do to get food. Some aware of it , Others just inside infinite circle of lies surround them.

    One of good example of liar is OBAMA. he lies but you can't fault him even if you are in his position. Because it is self preservation. He make it look like its necessity though.

    There are many people disagree with my post , nothing wrong with them ( a lie in one context , truth in one context).

    Every statement has multiple side based on who is looking at it and what  context they are from.

    if i say what ever i say is truth then it must be a lie.  Truth in its simplest form do not exist.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 12:22 PM

    Don't know about the Coral Castle, but as far the greatest power in the universe, Mel nailed it...the greatest power resides at the quantum level.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 12:59 PM

    well done mkg

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 12:59 PM

    Truth can be elusive it seems. Afterall, Pontius Pilate asked "What is truth ?" while staring straight into the eyes of it.

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sun, Jun 29 2014 1:02 PM

    mel ,

    Can't disagree with any of your points. Atom is atom ,  h2o is h20 , 

    All just label. May be true today , not tomorrow as our understanding of things expand. 

    Everything true today , will be tomorrow's lie. Ever changing world , things changes. 

    I am more interested in disection of human mind in philosophical level than scientific level because in scientific level ,  we have to wait for new discoveries. 

    Philosophical level we can speculate atleast.

    When i talk about truth , its more of human perception of truth than truth itself which is just state in infinite ever changing  timeline