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UEL Ryder Cup @ Pinehurst: Sep20-Oct13

Fri, Oct 17 2014 4:57 PM (366 replies)
  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 6:40 PM


    So if I get it all right the US Team member who is going to tee off on even holes is the one that needs to send the invites.

    That is correct CD.

    And whoever creates the game and sends invites, will pick their partner who will tee off on 11,13,15,17 with 15 and 17 both being the par 3 holes.

    Definitely some strategy to determine who prefers teeing off on the par 3 holes. I'm leaving this up to each individual team to determine.

    Also the ROW team may want their players invited in a particular order. Please honor their request if they do request a specific invite order.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. ;)


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 8:14 PM

    Also the ROW team may want their players invited in a particular order. Please honor their request if they do request a specific invite order.

    Whichever ROW team member is invited first probably becomes the Team Gold 'representative' that the FAQ mentions, and that person then chooses whether he tees off first or his partner.

    Thus, it's my understanding is that it doesn't really matter the order in which the members of the other team get invited, as they will then form Team Gold and be given the opportunity to decide who tees off first (but of course, it's possible that a sleepy 'representative' may mess up any carefully pre-planned strategy!)


    Congrats to Russ and Moose on their win today. 

    Team USA now leads 5-2!


    Also, everyone please note that with Moose stepping in, devonnnnn is now Team USA's 1st alternate and dakotarov is 2nd alternate for the remainder of the Foursomes series. Always check the bottom of the Availability Chart if in need of an alternate in a hurry! Team alternates are listed there, and you can see if their playing times may overlap with your needs. Hopefully alternates will also make themselves aware of when matches are taking place and be green just in case.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 5:49 AM


    For the group D guys:  I'm good Saturday or Sunday at the 9pm UTC(4pm my time).  

    It'll be Minnesota against ROW(maybe we'll have Sam caddy for good luck too).

    Let me know what you guys think.


    I'm available either day, as is Dazza, so we're apparently waiting on javiertorg.


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 12:40 PM

    FYI: I've resent the PM about the match to Javier (this time in Spanish too).

    Have any of the three of you heard from him, or made contact yet?

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 3:13 PM

    Hi folks, I got a reply from Javier (should have used google translate the first time, it appears!)

    Hi corwyn:

    Hard match :), Saturday 9/27 is OK.



    So, looks like you're all set for tomorrow, Saturday 9/27.


    Match D ::     Javiertorg & Dazza501               vs    bhoese & JJ656

    D :: Your group only has overlap at the weekend 9-11pm UTC (2-4pm WGT time), so please aim for this time on Saturday 9/27, or Sunday 9/28.

    Javier (javiertorg): your 4pm local time.

    Darren (Dazza501): your 10pm local time.

    Ben (bhoese) & JJ (JJ656): your 4pm local time.

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 5:31 PM


    Thank you everyone BONALYAU, stevereilly, moosetaya, devonnnn and especially Corwyn for getting this match scheduled and played.

    10. both par with 2 putts from about 20ft away.

    11. both birdie with putts under 10ft.

    12. USA goes 1up with a bird

    13. both par

    14. both par

    15. both team missed green right. USA chips within 3ft for easy par, ROW just barely makes it on green and 2 putts for bogey. USA up 2

    16. wild hole! USA on green in 2, 28 ft away. ROW drives into bunker, then wedges out into rough, then hits a fabulous shot from the rough that rolled across the hole and just off the green left and long, then pitched in for par. USA 3 putts after ColumbusStorm hits an uphill lag putt well past the hole for bogey. USA up 1 , ROW is thinking they can take the match now.

    17. ROW hits green about 15 ft from pin and misses putt by an inch. USA (moosetaya) sticks his shot 6.3ft from the pin, leaving a very flat putt which goes in for bird. USA 2 up with 1 to play.

    Thank you for allowing me to play in this round, and all the work that went into getting this match accomplished is very much appreciated.  I don't much play AS but it is fun.

    Go USA 


    Ty guys for playing this and getting it done. I felt like if I had played I would have brought team usa down. I will be very well prepared for singles! go USA


  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 6:32 PM

    Everyone in match C has gone green. As soon as GolferDadRB does the honors we'll begin.

    (GolferDadRB: we did agree that you're teeing off, didn't we? I guess we weren't super clear.)

    I'm in the Chatzy room too, if anyone is interested.

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 6:45 PM

    We're off!

    Hole 1 is halved with tap-in birdies, thanks to a tailwind which left only 40 yards for the approach shots.

    Hole 2: My 15-footer for birdie lips out and jsweetcr rolls in an easy 6-footer. ROW 1 up.

    Hole 3: Both teams miss the green; ROW left in the fringe, USA short in the fairway. USA pitches up for an easy par; fmagnets makes his partner work for it with a pitch to 8 feet - and jsweetcr misses it. Team USA catches a break and we're back to all square.

    Hole 4, my least favorite green on the course. Both teams are around 12-13 feet, ROW sidehill and USA mostly down. A pair of two-putt pars halve the hole.

    Hole 5: My approach from 153 somehow winds up 10 yards short. jsweetcr sticks it inside 4 feet and ROW goes 1up again.

    Hole 6: With a moderate RTL wind, I miss the ding badly right and place my tee shot in the bunker. My partner bails us out with a nice out to 3 feet. fmagnets' birdie try from 12 or 13 feet comes just short and the hole is halved. ROW still 1 up.

    Hole 7: AGAIN my approach is well short. ROW hits it to 12 feet and sinks the birdie. ROW 2up with 2 to play.

    Hole 8: ROW has an 18-footer to close the match out. fmagnets misses by a hair. I finally hit a decent approach to 6 feet and GolferDadRB rolls it in to keep the match alive. ROW 1up with 1 to play.

    Hole 9: ROW has another 18-footer, this time from the bottom of the slope. fmagnets again misses by a hair, leaving GolferDadRB with a chance to tie. I hit the approach 15 feet long, which is a nearly impossible putt; he gives it a valiant try but it breaks a little too much.


    ROW WINS 1UP! 


  • GolferDadRB
    1,079 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 7:37 PM

    ROW takes this one...

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Fri, Sep 26 2014 7:52 PM

    Nice playing GolferDadRB and mmyers0,

    Knew that would be a tough match, but giving them a little scare and forcing them to play all 9 holes is good for USA team.

    Go USA