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New Tier? Make some changes first....

Tue, Dec 16 2014 9:40 AM (84 replies)
  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 4:46 AM

    but we need higher tiers than tour legend !!


    Be concise, please. So far, I haven't seen an legitimate argument for it as of yet. What I have seen is egotistical rhetoric. Use of the term 'Super' proves that.

    Is there a tier system in place in real golf or saturation rounds?

  • TheDuckinator
    1,691 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 7:21 AM


    but we need higher tiers than tour legend !!


    Be concise, please. So far, I haven't seen an legitimate argument for it as of yet. What I have seen is egotistical rhetoric. Use of the term 'Super' proves that.

    Is there a tier system in place in real golf or saturation rounds?

    Egotistical rhetoric? Come on.. I used the term "Super" simply as an example of what WGT may call a new tier. You could substitute "Hack" if you like. The point of my post was not calling for a new tier. I am just saying that if WGT does create a new tier, they should change the way they compute averages first. Get rid of the "Best Games" formula that they use now and go to a rolling average that can go up or down based on your last 50 or 100 games. As far as I'm concerned, you could get rid of tiers altogether and just use levels along with your "true" average... And stop allowing "close tee" tourneys to affect your average...


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 8:15 AM


    but we need higher tiers than tour legend !!


    Be concise, please. So far, I haven't seen an legitimate argument for it as of yet. What I have seen is egotistical rhetoric. Use of the term 'Super' proves that.

    Is there a tier system in place in real golf or saturation rounds?

    WHY? is the question. What is it supposed to do ? Identify what ? Those who gamble and play all day, every day ? Or something new for those that are convinced that some kind of different set of measurements will somehow provide elevation to a self perceived "just due" recognition based upon customized considerations that provide a better fit ?     

  • TheDuckinator
    1,691 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 8:30 AM

    Man did this post get distorted. EGOTISTICAL - SELF PERCEIVED RECOGNITION ..

    What are you people talking about.? How did a post suggesting that WGT come up with a better averaging system turn into an elitist post? 

    I would like for someone to defend WGT's distorted averaging system and tell me why having an unrealistic average is a good thing...  


  • TarheelsRule
    5,601 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 9:06 AM

    I can't defend the current system.   It eventually will turn everyone into a tour legend, especially now that the country clubs can set tournaments that are rated on lower type courses.

    I don't really care either way.   I'm a tour legend with an average just under 62.  I finish every game and play on all courses as often as I can, although stroke play tends to move you toward STA since many people play it.    I can generally hold my own with players who have average 5 to 6 strokes below me, mainly I feel because I don't care about my average I just enjoy the game.

    I'd like to see some versus of the USGA handicap system in place here for averages but that would tend to hurt the tier progression.   Resetting your average every year or making it your last 50 scores or something would be nice but as I mentioned it doesn't work well with the tier system, maybe that would be something for TL's only.


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 9:25 AM

    Be concise, please.

    Is there a tier system in place in real golf


  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 1:21 PM


    I used to love playing match[play challenge all day long winning credits, losing credits, finding matches straight away, until WGT suddenly turned me to TOUR LEGEND where now I'm lucky to find a game EVERY HOUR, you want to see it from my point of view getting frustrated and getting bumped by even legends with a high win % against fellow legends and even wins against tour legends.  Its hard enough for me to find matches as it is a higher tier would eliminate the only match i'm able to find daily.  Its called matchplay CHALLENGE but it seems players only want to try and find matches where they think they can win easily with out a challenge.   A good move by WGT, i used to be able to win quite a lot of credits playing matchplay all day, but not any more.  So by making tour legend tier and maybe a new tier wgt will make it even harder for us tour legends to make credits in matchplay forcing us to enter ready go's more which give us so little pay out nowerdays because EVERY ONE is scoring low so my 4th place the other day in $5 ready go only gave me extra $1.5 where you could double your money previously.  Whats next on the agenda WGT? ready go passes where the more you have the less deviation you might occur so unless you have bought a $10 pass you will get tough conditions, but with a pass you get a decent round?

    you used to love it so much that you used to create a topic everyday how wgt had screwed you just because your approach landed 3 yards away rather than 3 inches away or when your 90 foot putt fell 4 inches short

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 2:13 PM


    You said , yes. I asked for an concise argument, not a single syllable response.

    What tier system is in place? Are you referring to Amateur status vs. Pro?


    WHY? is the question. What is it supposed to do ? Identify what ? Those who gamble and play all day, every day ? Or something new for those that are convinced that some kind of different set of measurements will somehow provide elevation to a self perceived "just due" recognition based upon customized considerations that provide a better fit ?  

    Exactly, Lily. 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 3:39 PM

    It would be nice to have proper stats - no red tee ones allowed

    Real rolling averages updating monthly from differing courses.  Not that I care but the "badge" average could only happen from several course - no saturated silliness from the short stuff or BoF.  This is being pragmatic though - I care naught what they do here.

    It would be nice to have something that is actually hard to aim for also, not make up your own adventure off the reds or low wind CC BPB F9 again.

    What's wrong with getting the entire pro shop opened a little early for enthusiastic players who have worked at the game.  Something to really for getting everything at say L93 / 94, but in return a few sensible tests, not red tee / BPB F9 CC specials.  Something for WGT and the player ?  

    They could do most of it with TL but I see a new tier as easier.

    Can't see anything wrong with any of that, and no requirement for any real elite ability / requirement to play all day.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 3:43 PM

    Rolling Handicap, to earn and keep your card is the only way forward I believe .... 

    With a measure of you must play at least a certain % of real courses available, no best of's and maybe limited easy tees as long as available to all.