If WGT are going to make some sort of STL tier that would be great, but make it somewhat realistic.
Lose the deviation and vem completely for that tier. Instead make it so you must use STL equipment only to play.
Once you hit that tier it's purely average based and handicapped. Your current average and level is wiped. You start over and you must qualify to play in events. Make it so there is no more Level for you, just take it off, it's not needed.
Make it so STL's are no longer eligible to play in any event open to lower tiers. Sorry you want to be elite then you don't get to mix with the mere mortals anymore. Any event, free, paid or otherwise, even AS rounds. the only players you can compete with or socially play with are players within the STL class.
Remove the meter timing system currently used to fluctuate and create random shot deviation and misses in place to thwart auto-dinging systems. It is effective and does work.
All clubs have an effective accuracy rating of 100% with a +- bias of say 1%. Based on a perfect shot ie, hitting the ding. That bias is coded to the meter, not the gear.
All clubs have 0 forgiveness.
Balls coded the way they're made IRL, spin control, distance wtc.
Something like that anyway....
I know there are people here who play golf IRL, I do as well, any of those people who have ever used or hit a 'tour bladed' club knows that unless your swing is dead on you're going to have disastrous results time and time again. That's the way it should be for TL and certainly a new STL class of player. The clubs now are idiotic the way they shoot, it's not even remotely realistic in any sense of the word as it applies to 'golf'.
It would be nice if the game were like this at the 'top' level, something to truly shoot and aspire for, but WGT are limited by the nature of the technology IE Flash/AS etc.
I don't think creating a new tier will make any difference whatsoever here, anything and everything WGT does is solely rooted in the ability to produce revenue. WGT does not care nor do they have any real interest in the game of golf, anyone who thinks that is deluded, truly.
I really think that when PG/PP goes live and is available, this game will die very quickly. Just because it's a paid for game isn't going to matter. It's a myth that WGT can be played and enjoyed without sinking a considerable amount of money into the game. So much so that it pretty much borders on false and misleading advertising.
The only people I think who'll be left playing here are those who just simply refuse to pay for games. Players who enjoy the game and challenges of golf will be gone in an instant.
Even though PG/PP is heads n tails above this game in terms of programming and realism WGT could have still had a fun and great game to play. I would have played both - Truth is you shot yourself in the ass over the last two months by revealing the absolute utter greed which is at the core of your business model.
So ya, STL? Great idea, but you know it's not going to happen the right way. Sorry if this come off as super negative but WGT just hasn't done anything in the last couple of months that throws any sort of positive 'vibe' out there at all. In fact by all appearances, it's like watching the last flaying's of a business going under.