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The Hustle 14 is Live!!

Sun, Oct 25 2015 4:14 PM (1,691 replies)
  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 2:23 PM
    My apologies if that "right way to handle things" was aimed at me. I think I have been responsive to you and was allowing KingSallow to respond. It has only been a couple of days since your match with KingSallow. One that you did not set up as the rules intended. My inclination was to allow KS to remedy the situation. And giving him 48-72 hours to do so seems reasonable to me. But since you wish to withdrawal, we have several members interested in subbing in, so I will pursue that option. Sorry it didn't work out, I was looking forward to potentially playing you. Best wishes.
  • stuffix
    762 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 2:25 PM

    Hey JC, just so you know, I'm waiting on bristoluk to get his credits so we can play the match. If everything's ok, it should be done before Sunday.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 2:27 PM

    My apologies if that "right way to handle things" was aimed at me. I think I have been responsive to you and was allowing KingSallow to respond. It has only been a couple of days since your match with KingSallow. One that you did not set up as the rules intended. My inclination was to allow KS to remedy the situation. And giving him 48-72 hours to do so seems reasonable to me. But since you wish to withdrawal, we have several members interested in subbing in, so I will pursue that option. Sorry it didn't work out, I was looking forward to potentially playing you. Best wishes.

    I'll sub in, if needed.  ^_^

    10,716 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 2:29 PM

    No Jc you are awesome,It takes 2 mins max to forfeit a credit game, and i havent been apparoached at all,No Blame to you whatsoever:).If it was me that lost i would have made every effort to hand the credits over asap.Maybe he wants to set up Direct Debit!

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 2:33 PM

    Sorry again Priestess. 

    Charlemagne, Thanks for volunteering to sub in. I will put you on as #2. Coolswing is our first alternate and I just messaged him about filling in.  If he can't, I will let you know and plug you in to round 2.

  • nickolijj
    277 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 3:11 PM

    Unnecessary drama. Don't stress JC, you're a great host.

  • mrdyb
    710 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 3:39 PM

    Hi there, i have just noticed whats going on, and first off all i just want to say that you (JC) are doing a great job :) and i whould like to fix this problem right away....Kingsalow is a member off my CC, and if there is a problem getting hold of him, i will gladly lay out the 2000 Credits that he hasent come up whit yet......i hope and think that its just a communication problem!! Regardless that, i realy whould hate to see a great player like Priestess drop out for somthing like this!!

    Just send me a gameinvite miss, and i will make sure that the Creds. is ok and the tourney can go on!! i will work this out later whit KingS!

    Hope this sounds good and everybody will be happy!!

    best reg oys   :)

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Tue, Feb 8 2011 4:39 PM

    very gracious dyb, and thanks for the love guys. i will forward your offer to priestess and will give the same offer, but my guess is that she will still decline.  if that is the case, coolswing has offered to take her place, so i will move him into the 2nd round. i will keep you posted.

    again, to avoid this in the future, please set up your matches as "matchplay challenge" and put in 2000 credits for the stakes.  thank you and continued good luck!

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 10:28 AM

    great match today with a great guy -> bluewingjeff!! like an idiot, i pressed the wrong button to copy the screen and scorecard. 

    i got up early on jeff, but could never put him away. we each had our share of long birdie bombs.  he came back very strong on the last 5 holes with a -4 finish, including an eagle. he went 1 up on 17 with a long birdie. unfortunately, he was between clubs on his approach and sucked back into the valley of death, so i was able to even the match.

    unfortunately, the extra holes were not a good finish to a great match.  jeff's approach shot to the front of the green gave him an "immovable obstruction" and dropped him on the opposite side of the creek and plunked it.  so JCOlson won 1up. Great match Jeff and thank you for playing!

    did not hear back from PRIESTESS, so i am honoring her wish and removing her from the tourney.  coolswing will be taking her place and facing me next round.  Please get your matches in by Sunday. Thanks!

  • KingSallow
    38 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 11:22 AM

    I am very sorry guys, just reead the thread and the stetements of priestess regarding our match.i just totally forgot that we didnt play for the credits and that he set it up wrong, just was not any more in my mind.

    Also just read the message regarding the forfeit-match i have to play with him for the would be no problem at all, but i think its too late as he wrote, that he doenst wanna the credits any more.i even dont need the credits, and i dont wanna approach as someone who doenst pay.

    I am quite irritated about that, because it also took a bit of time to play our match, he said that he totallly had forgot that he is in that comp, so i cannot understand why he quits all only because this forfeit-game isnt running immediately, bracket for the 1 round is running til 13 february!

    Sorry again , read his message today and so i couldnt give him the credits so far.

    Dont know how this should be continued...

    Thats all i can say about this pattern.

