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The Hustle 14 is Live!!

Sun, Oct 25 2015 4:14 PM (1,691 replies)
  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 12:39 AM

    Really tight match with juanmendoza,  we were trading birdies back and forth all match.

    Recap of the back 9,  we halve 10 with pars,  11 juan gets metered on the tee shot well left of the fairway, I capitalize on it with a birdie.  12 was the front pin, had 205 to the pin with a wind in my face so I had to play 20 feet out to the right of the flag, and dropped the 2.5 box breaking putt. 

    13 was halved with birdies, and juan wins 14 with a nice 17 foot putt from short and left of the back pin.  15 I hit a good approach shot leaving a 7i 4ft directly below the hole to win the hole.  Juan would answer right back on 16 when hit hit an 8 ft approach into the back pin from 190 to birdie.  17 had the left pin with a light headwind, I stuck a 3i to 1 ft to close the match.

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 10:19 AM

    congrats to stuffix and bollox!

    and who knew there was so much drama in WGT!? haha

    updated bracket:

  • AHudd
    104 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2011 2:03 PM

    Sorry for the delay...Waggs and myself got our match in..4up for myself..Close match for a while and well played by Waggs

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2011 8:45 AM

    Thanks Aaron! Glad to hear everyone got the first round in! 2nd round to be completed by EOD Sunday. Thanks!

  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2011 4:24 PM

    Just finished 2nd round match with nickolijj.  Was a great match with the first 7 holes being halved. I made a putt on 8 to go 1 up and nicko got metered on 9 to lead to me being 2 up after the front nine. Tide turned and nicko won 10 and 11 to get AS until 14 when his caddy gave him the wrong and he flew the green while I made a birdie! Even the rest of the way and had to lag one from the top on 18 to the front pin to seal the match! Great playing with nicko and look forward to a game again!

  • LTTrammel
    4 Posts
    Wed, Feb 16 2011 4:51 PM

    i would  love to try out for this ..give a heads up if i can.... plzz                                                                 thank you  frome LTTrammel                             

  • stuffix
    762 Posts
    Thu, Feb 17 2011 1:24 PM

    I forgot to save the scorecards JC, I hope that's not gonna be an issue. I have a witness who can attest of that 2&1 win though.

    Well, the match between JC and I was pretty tight all the way until 13th where his tee shot found a bad bounce and ended up on the fringe on the back of the green. His chip rolled to 9ft past the hole. Unfortunately, he got disconnected while hitting his putt and when he came back, he missed it.

    I then birdied 16th with a 10 footer and 17 was halved with birdies, ending the match.

    We both did a great front 9, with a 31. The back 9 had good shots but wasn't that great. That's unfortunate that this disconnection came in the way, probably disconcerning JC a bit in the process.

  • AHudd
    104 Posts
    Thu, Feb 17 2011 2:02 PM

    Well played match by Andy..he had me on the front 9(2 up) and got things goin on the back nine.  Birdied 10,11,13,14, & 15 and he got me back on 16..his 17th bird putt just lipped out for the match..G'match again Andy

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Thu, Feb 17 2011 2:13 PM

    congrats all on the win. yes stuffix, i confirm the win!  unfortunate that we had wgt issues both getting disconnected in stages and an untimely meter that stuffix graciously made up for.  update bracket below, good luck!

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Thu, Feb 17 2011 6:21 PM


    Brought my A game to this match.  Started off with a terrible drive into the right 40/50 rough on 1, but would recover with an approach 12 ft long and right, and a made putt.  2 I hit my approach to 1 ft, and 7 ft short of the pin on 3 to go 3up.   4 had a tailwind and I went for an ultra-aggressive line up the right, but misclicked late into 40/50 again, and punched a 3w to 102.  Hit my approach pretty poorly 15 ft short and right but made the putt, ky halved getting up and down from 38 out in a greenside bunker.

    5 we halve w/ 7 and 8 ft birdie putts.  6 I hit my tee shot to 1 ft into a headwind, ky also hits a nice shot to 10 ft long and drains it for the halve.  7 i hit a nice approach from 171 to 8.5 ft short and right, an easy place to putt from.  8 we both hit awful tee shots missing the green to the right, and both got up and down for par.  Same on 9 both making routine tapin pars. 

    10 we both hit alright approaches leaving shortish uphill putts, but both of us miss.  11 ky makes birdie w/ a 10 ft putt from behind the hole, I halve with a 6 footer.  12 we both leave ourselves easy short birdie putts from around 100 yards.  13 had a sidewind @ 9, I hit a 4i to 7.5 ft directly behind the hole to go 5up w/ a bird.  14 was a tailwind, hit a 1 ft approach from 65 out in the right rough.   

    Thanks for the match ky, not much you could of done in this one :)