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The Hustle 14 is Live!!

Sun, Oct 25 2015 4:14 PM (1,691 replies)
  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Fri, Feb 18 2011 5:44 AM

    Great playing Bollox! It was a pleasure to watch that round! Whoever is left in this thing look out for the Bollox Express!

  • Marcus32
    13 Posts
    Fri, Feb 18 2011 7:50 PM

    Hey JC...

    GoHardGoHome and I are on two totally different time zones... we are on constant communication through this week but we haven't found a way to play yet.  I just left him a message asking him let me know what time he will be playing his time (Australian) and I will try to find a way to meet him on here.  Anyway, just wanted to keep you posted because of the fact that we only have two days left...



  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Tue, Feb 22 2011 8:32 AM

    Thanks Marcus. Very gracious of you. I have advanced GoHard to the next round. Just two matches left this week. Please get them in by next Monday. Congrats to Stuffix and Bollox for their advancement into the final four.

  • GoHardGoHome
    965 Posts
    Wed, Feb 23 2011 12:44 AM

    Thanks Marcus, really appreciate the gesture!!

  • AHudd
    104 Posts
    Wed, Feb 23 2011 9:12 PM

    Good match w/ GoHardGoHome(trav)...i won 3up...couldnt save card in time...but it was very close throughout ..he was 1 up on back side and had to come back. Ended on a really good apprch shot by trav on 16 but i pitched in for bird and he lipped out for his to continue the match. Well played Trav and nice meetin ya

  • GoHardGoHome
    965 Posts
    Wed, Feb 23 2011 9:19 PM

    Well played Aaron! Good luck for the rest of the tourney. Apologies re the card. Saved the front but can confirm Aaron won 3&2 with great chip in on 16. Nice birdies on 13 an 14 got the lead back for you too.

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 8:27 AM

    Nice win Aaron.  3 of the final four have been decided. MrDyb and AvatarLee left at Oakmont. Next round is at Kiawah. Scorecard below. Good luck all!

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Fri, Feb 25 2011 11:33 AM

    And the results of the last quarter final match is in....

    A rough outing for MrDyb, some bad breaks combined with my red hot putter was not a good combo for him.  Highlights of the match included a 38 foot birdie putt on #3, and a couple of bending 10+ foot putts that I normally miss.  MrDyb found himself in a few awkward positions due to deviations and couldn't recover.  

    I enjoyed our round together sir, you are good company!


  • mrdyb
    710 Posts
    Fri, Feb 25 2011 11:35 AM

    Hey JC....just finish my match whit mr lee! that was a sad performance by me  lol  mr Lee made me luck pretty newbie  lol  i didnt save the scorcard because idint want too :))))

    I think it ended up whit a seven up win for lee, i lost the count!! Thanks very much for the ass wopping Lee, hope i can show you a better side off me next time :)) Good luck in the rest off the tourney, and thanks to you JC for organising this! looking forward to the next Hustle!! :))


  • mrdyb
    710 Posts
    Fri, Feb 25 2011 11:37 AM

    Same too you sir :) very good company!! and an outstanding player!!!