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*** Green dots update ***

Sun, May 17 2015 6:08 PM (564 replies)
  • SpauldingSmails3
    260 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 9:23 AM

    How about they just quit messing with things and just leave it as it is.  My meter has NEVER ran this smooth.  Dots maybe be a little slower now for the break but it is off just by inches....1 day and I have already started figuring them out.  The blazing dots were a different story....this is minimalistic.  Play on!!!

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 9:44 AM


    Dots maybe be a little slower now for the break but it is off just by inches....1 day and I have already started figuring them out.  The blazing dots were a different story....this is minimalistic.  Play on!!!

    Last night before reading this thread I tried to get my daily 880 xp's, had a 4ft putt on Cabo #1, thought to myself "I've never landed here before or the break would be 3X that much", missed a 4ft'er by 1/2 a grid box...That's hardly minimalistic! :)

    So I knocked the ball over to an area that I know the putt, where is 10-12 ft putt is over 2 grid boxes of break and it was about 3/4 of a grid box...WTF, then I read this thread because I knew they screwed something up and this was bad...


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 10:58 AM

    I thought I was going crazy before I read this thread, lol.But I find the speed to differ between the courses, RSG seem to be closest to what it should be like, Oly is the most painfully slow. Imagine landing a few feet long on Oly #13 (par 3), seeing almost no break (according to the dots) and thinking to yourself "Nah, I'll just power this through". On champ greens. Now that would lead people crying in these forums by the thousands, lol.

    Or maybe this is only in my imagination and all the courses are the same painfully slow speed. Anyway, FIX  the damned thing, please.

    P.S.: I think the problem lies in the fact that when they wrote the code for dot speed, the WGT notebook didn't exist yet, so nobody could write down the actual parameters ;-)

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 11:15 AM

    100 % agree!

  • roadgrinderman
    20 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 11:21 AM

    Very well said BigKnight, and is spot on. I myself work a lot of hours so i don't have time to read surveys  and get free credits. I have been a member of WGT for a little over 2 years and average spending about $1000 a year and honestly am ready to find other things to spend my time and money on. The ONLY thing that has kept me here this long (as many here) are the friends I have met and play with from all over, but with all I as a paying customer have put up with and WGT unprofessional customer service and most all my friends are giving them till the end of the week to fix things right PROBLEM FREE or we are gone, it is on them now...........Please get it right WGT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • eggiesworld
    296 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 11:35 AM

    back to the phantom wind ctth. Cant putt when ya cant tell the break. Funny though missing a 7 foot putt by almost 2 grids.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 11:51 AM

    Some great players on here showing concerns so take it as real WGT. I know you have said you are trying to fix it, but seriously, this game has gone to the doggies. Now you must know whats caused this,  IMO these major blips happened on or around 12/12/14.

    Yes, not the dots but most of the other stuff folk have been complaining about. I am not a great player but its done for me, i used to do a lot of event organising then chose to leave doing that, join a club and play, only to have left 2 great clubs because the game is a shadow of what it was.

    Not played for few days and will not until i read from these top players that these issues are fixed

    P.S monkey in bath will come out again mind pmsl

  • NotFacebookCraw
    49 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 12:19 PM


    yes    too least they are moving in the correct direction

    Nope.  Had a putt this morning on Olympic 17 with the dots moving left to right.  Switched to look at the putt behind the hole and the dots were moving...LEFT TO RIGHT.  I know that the dot is an average representation of the entire grid block and one part of a grid block can be a little different than another, but this was three blocks wide on both views all the way up a 10' putt.

  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 1:17 PM


    WGT goes from







  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 1:44 PM

    I've switched to cheap wgt G13-s balls and playing Bandon dunes mostly now. I'm not saturated as a Legend yet and I'm not going to let WGT's stupidity screw things up !!!