Dots definitely not fixed, but am seeing some really pretty colors recently! Maybe another beer or 6 will fix it???
Is is just me, or can you not just smell the VEM on the greens recently? Note to self: just don't breath while on the green and especially when putting!
Invites, what invites??? Getting to be a really irritating issue!
Note to WGT! Fix what is broken already before trying to introduce/fix anything else! Just makes sense to me, but then well???
Phil aka., Coyote
Oh and you might just want to try and fix that meter problem that you keep telling everyone i fixed! Geeze, you got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is jumping about like a rabbit trying to avoid a hunters gun shots and Elmer's definitely not winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go bunny go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!