Lets see how many responses I get PMSL
I have a few things to say about the so called "Top Ten Ranked Clubs"
Call me naive but I thought that joining a Country Club on WGT or even in the real world would be to play in country club tournaments, after all why join?
The above mention TEN have a horrific participation rate when it comes to members actually playing ANY of their own club events, if fact many of the owners promote and tell members to just earn as many XP points as you can and it seems like they could care less about member participation in their own tournaments!
On average all of them have less than 20% of their membership actually complete any of their own club tournaments, and one of them hasn't even played a club event in three months! giving them 0%.....
The lowest participation club (ranked #1 according to WGT) has a 9% completion rate! and the highest participation club (ranked #2) has a pathetic 21% of the membership who actually complete the club tournaments.
So what if they have have 200+ members! 22 -54 of them ACTUALLY play in your clubs tournaments, but you are the " Top Ten Clubs" on WGT (Heeee,hee,hee)
Sure earning so many important XP points gets you a few "perks" but in reality it is nothing more that a ridiculous ego trip either for the "owners" or the membership, and off course lets not forget earning $$$ for WGT as you use up balls.
Footnote: Yes I have way too much free time ;) however while watching The Players Championship yesterday I figured this out and anyone interested in the statistics of this feel free to message me/friend me and I would be happy to share this information.
Let the fireworks begin.....