Cut he/ she/ it a break people. We'd all be a bit sad & bitter if divorced 1,524,807 times.
Talk about rejection.
Sorry! Couldn't resist.
eivets:Sorry! Couldn't resist.
you should have, you labeled yourself the village idiot, now if you want you can try for the county idiot
pathetic troll
eivets:Talk about rejection.
hey all you legends, this man is one of your tribe, and you should be very proud, lol
Is that the best you got? C'mon I'm from Jersey.
I feel like a greenhead just landed on me but didn't even try to bite.
eivets:I feel like a greenhead just landed on me but didn't even try to bite.
OK Jeorr-sey' whats a greenhead? Never heard of that here on the west coast.
What is this hate to people who are LEGENDS..I dont think anyone goes out of their house in the moring feeling complete casue there a Legend on this site..X can we playa round..I want to read your Rant's live on chat...
greenhead -> horsefly
nasty SOBs
Add some sand and more than likely some toxic waste
Party Time...OUCH
A greenhead is an annoying large bitting fly w/a distinctive green head.
They are nasty but a bit slooo, much like x.
eivets: A greenhead is an annoying large bitting fly w/a distinctive green head. They are nasty but a bit slooo, much like x.