another example for people who think contributing to the development of the game and purchasing equipment is cheating, who narrow mindedly have to resort to calling someone a bad parent for doing the same thing they are doing just perhaps a little more:
Tour Pro, using upgraded free equipment, not playing the really basic clubs shoots 36 over and over and over on Bethpage front 9 and not a tournament by themselves is only playing themselves. If they play some Alt Shot game here and there, with another freebie club playing member, they have good competition, and should enjoy the challenge, but they are only playing against 2 other people so the competition is limited to who they are playing against.
Legend, using upgraded equipment, they earned through RG finishes and MPC games, enters a RG event against other Legends, TMs and some other members is competing against 49 other people is playing a different game then that Tour Pro just mentioned above.
Both versions are enjoyable, but if you are that TP, playing freebies, it will be very difficult for you to play the same RG and finish well that the Legend joined. Its all about expectations.
Simple logic, you are playing different games. So it makes no sense to compare one easier than the other. To do so, just to argue, means you are a F'ing tool incapable of understanding logic.