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Fri, Dec 31 2010 9:33 AM (33 replies)
  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 11:04 AM


     I also enjoy hitting a 28ft putt the speed of a 7ft putt.   I thoroughly enjoy putts that take 20 seconds before they stop.

    Still trying to figure out if this is sarcasm  ;)  I know the tour pros would be crying if either one of these statements were true in a PGA event.

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 11:10 AM


    I enjoy the putting challenge of oakmont aside from #9.  Of the 108 pin placements currently in use for stroke play on wgt that is the only one I would consider unfair.  The slope is just too severe to be properly show on a 2x2 ft grid making some 3 ft putts a total crapshoot.

    Hadn't played Oakmont much up until the last week or so, but since they added it to RG's I've been giving it a shot.  I agree to an extent, but unless you have notes about every green, the ball can do funny things when it hits the greens.  Many times I've hit what I think is a reasonable shot to the green, only to have the ball hit a severe slope and ruin the shot completely.  I guess I need to take specific notes on where not to hit the ball.  That plus you can get so many putts that you won't find on any other course with the severe slopes.


  • jredasse
    28 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 11:20 AM


  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 11:25 AM

    Maybe it's because I've got a Redwood putter and play off easy tees but I find Oakmont a breeze, and I think BPB is DIABOLICAL. My favourite has to be the longest hole, as you get to watch the ball roll 20 yards and then it stops. I know I find it so easy as I can beat Tour Masters in scored Match Play (How do you think I got so high on WGTLS Match 9 rankings?). There's a round of 32 on the Front 9 on my profile.

    I hate that you can't play Oakmont Tournaments...


  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 11:40 AM



     I also enjoy hitting a 28ft putt the speed of a 7ft putt.   I thoroughly enjoy putts that take 20 seconds before they stop.


    Still trying to figure out if this is sarcasm  ;)  I know the tour pros would be crying if either one of these statements were true in a PGA event.

    I can relate to this.  There is a spot on the FRONT RIGHT of the green on OAK # 1 where if your ball ends there the putt is about 40 feet and the hole is about 26 inches down.  (Approximating)

    You are hitting a 40 foot putt with a strength of 4 feet or something RIDICULOUS and it will literally take 45-60 seconds to PAINFULLY roll its way to the cup.

    I know this because miracle of miracles I DROPPED one int he cup doing just this.  It was in Match Play so no REPLAY :-(

    Regards, AtlantaCoaster

  • Bigfoot49uk
    59 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 12:15 PM


    I enjoy the putting challenge of oakmont aside from #9.  Of the 108 pin placements currently in use for stroke play on wgt that is the only one I would consider unfair.  The slope is just too severe to be properly show on a 2x2 ft grid making some 3 ft putts a total crapshoot.

    I must say I agree with the comments. On any golf course there should be a penalty for a bad shot and a reward for a good one. On this green there's only penalties. They need to put the pin in a position where it's relatively accessible with a good shot. If you need to miss the green to have the best chance of a par, there's something far wrong.


  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 1:10 PM

    AC, hit that very putt on Monday, its an amazing feeling.  And no there was no sarcasm in what I wrote earlier, I love ludicrous speed greens now.

    Except for 9, which I parred from 75ft past the cup due to a great 17ft putt coming back, I love the challenge. 

    And dont bet the pros dont love slick greens, Tiger loves them as do many others.  I hate slow greens that you have to slam a 8ft putt like its 20ft. 

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 3:27 PM

    My complaint as others have stated is you hit a great shot  3 ft. from the pin, full backspin and the ball rolls 20 past or rolls back down a hill 25 ft. away. I always thought good shots were rewarded.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 3:40 PM


    My complaint as others have stated is you hit a great shot  3 ft. from the pin, full backspin and the ball rolls 20 past or rolls back down a hill 25 ft. away. I always thought good shots were rewarded.

    You need to make mental notes on these situations.  The approach on 2 is the one I'm assuming you're talking about rolling 25 ft away.  My goal on this hole is to land, and immediately stop at or just below pin high.  So if I'm 68 out with a 6 mph headwind, I'm not going to use any backspin at all, I'm going to hit 71 power with just a fraction of topspin.   Or say I'm 72 out with a 10 tailwind, I'm going to hit it 71 power with 1/4 backspin.  (all of this is based off my 75 yard wedge/GISD ball, results will vary w/ other stuff)

    So in fact, good shots are very rewarded, you just need to use a little creativity with the spin.


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Wed, Dec 22 2010 3:48 PM



    My complaint as others have stated is you hit a great shot  3 ft. from the pin, full backspin and the ball rolls 20 past or rolls back down a hill 25 ft. away. I always thought good shots were rewarded.

    You need to make mental notes on these situations.  The approach on 2 is the one I'm assuming you're talking about rolling 25 ft away.  My goal on this hole is to land, and immediately stop at or just below pin high.  So if I'm 68 out with a 6 mph headwind, I'm not going to use any backspin at all, I'm going to hit 71 power with just a fraction of topspin.   Or say I'm 72 out with a 10 tailwind, I'm going to hit it 71 power with 1/4 backspin.  (all of this is based off my 75 yard wedge/GISD ball, results will vary w/ other stuff)

    So in fact, good shots are very rewarded, you just need to use a little creativity with the spin.


    THANKS for tips I'll give it a try.