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Champions listed by WGT Scoring Average

Sat, Sep 16 2017 2:36 AM (279 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 10:43 AM


    because how a person conducts themself on here, is a clear indication of the same character traits he or she will display in all aspects of life. 

    Good lord, I hope you certainly don't believe that.

    You're using WGT forum posts and game chat as a benchmark and litmus test with which people shall measure their real world attitudes and the manner in which they conduct themselves?


    My point is, if a person cheats on here, they probably cheat at a lot of things in real life also...If they display an obvious anger management issue on can bet that manifests itself in the real world also... I could be dead wrong, but very few people have a "Jekyll and Hyde" personality?


  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 1:17 PM


    If you look both at Liz's and Queez's profile, they play non stop Unlimited CC ranked tournaments from the shorter tees more often than not, and post 26/27's each time.  Whats the deal, do you want a lower average that bad lol. I don't understand. oh well. Not picking sides here.

    I do not bang out Unlimited CC tourneys from red tees.  I'll repeat once again so you understand.  Here is the break down of Tourneys we run at RDG.  Very few are Red Tees, some are Mixed Tees, some are Default Tees and some are Champ Tees.  We run 1,2,3,4 round tourneys.  Some of 1,2 round tourneys are single play and 4 round tourneys always have 1 or 2 single play rounds.  We also mix up green speeds and wind speeds. 

    If I even cared 1 bit about having a low average I would just bang out 23's all day long at Merion B9.  But I don't care and never have.


  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 1:57 PM


    Well I've got this to say ... finish a few Virtual Tour events and place highly, and maybe someone besides yourself will believe you are in the same catagory as the elite players on this site. Mr Queez ...

    My last word ...

    I've played enough with some Virtual Tour winners to know I'm in the same category and they have told me as much. Another point to consider if you think VT players are the only elite payers on the site you are sadly mistaken.  It's a small number but I've played a few.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 2:29 PM



    Well I've got this to say ... finish a few Virtual Tour events and place highly, and maybe someone besides yourself will believe you are in the same catagory as the elite players on this site. Mr Queez ...

    My last word ...


    Well here's what I say... After having seen him shoot in a couple of AS matches I've played with him there donny...

    Challenge him to a nice high stakes skins match... See how that works out. LoL




  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 3:13 PM



    Well I've got this to say ... finish a few Virtual Tour events and place highly, and maybe someone besides yourself will believe you are in the same catagory as the elite players on this site. Mr Queez ...

    My last word ...

    I've played enough with some Virtual Tour winners to know I'm in the same category and they have told me as much. Another point to consider if you think VT players are the only elite payers on the site you are sadly mistaken.  It's a small number but I've played a few.

    I don't consider they are the only elite players ... I just want to see if you can keep up with them in stroke play tournaments, if you can. And I think alot of other people would like to see the same thing. You're telling us all how good you are, well show us how good you are, don't tell us ...

    Put some scores up for everyone to see, in ready gos, virtual tour events, etc. ... let's see how you fare among a whole field of players over the long run in a variety of formats. That's the real measure of an "elite" player. And by putting up scores, I don't mean just post first round unlimited play scores and then withdrawing, avoiding posting second or third round single play scores which may show something else entirely.

    What do you have to lose? Will you rise to the challenge or shrink away?



  • Jessica84
    53 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 3:56 PM

    Un altre gran treball creant aquestes llistes senyor CS, digne d'admiració i un gran esforç el que vostè fa cada mes i que dóna ànims per seguir jugant a aquest fantàstic joc virtual. Gràcies a tots pels comentaris tant positius com negatius, cadascú és lliure d'opinar el que vulgui, però sempre mantenint les formes, el respecte i l'educació cap a les persones. Bona música i bon joc a tots :-)) ♫♫♫


  • FRIENDofyourWIFE
    305 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 4:10 PM


    If you look both at Liz's and Queez's profile, they play non stop Unlimited CC ranked tournaments from the shorter tees more often than not, and post 26/27's each time.  Whats the deal, do you want a lower average that bad lol. I don't understand. oh well. Not picking sides here.



       lol  My friend and your friend Kr, you are really something !   Are you looking for a catfight?     Hahaha    My dear friend the reason of belonging to a CC is  play with your folks in different ways ( alt, skins, Tourneys, etc) That is what i do !    Out side of my CC, you know and i say you know, that i play in All the ways that WGT allows me (ready go's, Virtual tour, CTTH, alt , skins, ranked rounds and Tough-it-out VT) by the way i posted a 78 and 76 in the T-it-O, I ALWAYS POST ALL MY GAMES GOOD OR BAD.... I do not know what is that you want with this?  But i know that you are a detached leaf that is moved by the wind at will, sometimes soft as a feather or sometimes hard as a bullet...     I will recommend that you take your pills for nerves before coming to say here that I worry about my avg.   You know me better ... 





  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 4:36 PM



    Well I've got this to say ... finish a few Virtual Tour events and place highly, and maybe someone besides yourself will believe you are in the same catagory as the elite players on this site. Mr Queez ...

    My last word ...

    I've played enough with some Virtual Tour winners to know I'm in the same category and they have told me as much. Another point to consider if you think VT players are the only elite payers on the site you are sadly mistaken.  It's a small number but I've played a few.

    Lets all just take a break shall we,  Averages in this game is pointless to argue.  Just saying as I've always said,  It's a game, the low averages are good players..  whether it be off shorter tees or not,  they still have to post a score.  Yes, I know how many times you can restart a Unlimited game, but hey...  that's what people like to do.

    I must admit it was a damn nice score posted by Mr Queez in the current Leadbetter comp, not sure how many restarts he did to post it...  does it really matter though.

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 6:45 PM

      I will recommend that you take your pills for nerves before coming to say here that I worry about my avg.   You know me better

    I don't take pills Liz, nor will i argue, Just check profiles... Cheers.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 7:07 PM


    Un altre gran treball creant aquestes llistes senyor CS, digne d'admiració i un gran esforç el que vostè fa cada mes i que dóna ànims per seguir jugant a aquest fantàstic joc virtual. Gràcies a tots pels comentaris tant positius com negatius, cadascú és lliure d'opinar el que vulgui, però sempre mantenint les formes, el respecte i l'educació cap a les persones. Bona música i bon joc a tots :-)) ♫♫♫



    Another great job creating these lists Mr. CS
    worthy of admiration and the great efforts you make each month
    and gives
    encouragement to continue playing this fantastic game virtual .
    Thank you all for the comments both positive and negative ,
    everyone is free to
    say what you want, but always maintaining the forms , respect
    and education
    to the people. Good music and good play al