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Champions listed by WGT Scoring Average

Sat, Sep 16 2017 2:36 AM (279 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 7:20 PM



    Un altre gran treball creant aquestes llistes senyor CS, digne d'admiració i un gran esforç el que vostè fa cada mes i que dóna ànims per seguir jugant a aquest fantàstic joc virtual. Gràcies a tots pels comentaris tant positius com negatius, cadascú és lliure d'opinar el que vulgui, però sempre mantenint les formes, el respecte i l'educació cap a les persones. Bona música i bon joc a tots :-)) ♫♫♫



    Another great job creating these lists Mr. CS
    worthy of admiration and the great efforts you make each month
    and gives
    encouragement to continue playing this fantastic game virtual .
    Thank you all for the comments both positive and negative ,
    everyone is free to
    say what you want, but always maintaining the forms , respect
    and education
    to the people. Good music and good play al


    Well done for the translation :)


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 8:52 PM

    Never played with Q, but played with Liz a lot back on the day...very fine player...and, she's bertter now///lol


    Thing is if Q says he and Liz split things up(via "WGT benefited from the rake"-my take they are about even...) Q has to be a pretty danged good player as well/


    Is Q "elite" Liz?...I dunno///but both I think are danged fine players here'/

  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 9:39 PM

    Played WOL earlier for 4k on Chambers and he got me 1up.  Was the 2nd time me and Jo played for 4k and I won the 1st 1up.  Jo is an elite player to say the least  and enjoyable to play with. 

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Sat, Nov 14 2015 10:44 PM

    To be frank, it is very hard to judge who is elite and who isn't, without a control group. By control group, i mean, that you have to determine a conclusion, scientifically, when all  variables are controlled. The variable in this case, is computer performance. If we all had a laptop or CPU that had the same specifications/performance than, and only than, can we judge (meaning RAM, Memory, processor type, Flash quality, etc). So there's no point comparing "skill"... Think about it for a minute. Cheers, your friend and mine,  K.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2015 12:08 AM

    Looks like 'Q' does not like good comments about him or is the person that just talk to people he knows and ignores comments from plebs like mine.

    Wgt has an easy option for the Top level...  just take all the people with Averages under 55 at the moment.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2015 12:34 AM


    To be frank, it is very hard to judge who is elite and who isn't, without a control group. By control group, i mean, that you have to determine a conclusion, scientifically, when all  variables are controlled. The variable in this case, is computer performance. If we all had a laptop or CPU that had the same specifications/performance than, and only than, can we judge (meaning RAM, Memory, processor type, Flash quality, etc). So there's no point comparing "skill"... Think about it for a minute. Cheers, your friend and mine,  K.

    I have to disagree, players  use different equipment  in every sport/game even though they "have" access to the very best/same equipment...

    everyone here can have the best PC money can buy to play, but most chose not to, so the trick is to master what you have...if you learn to play well with it your a good player regardless of processors/ram/mouse/graphics card etc...

    the thing that separates good players from great players, and great players from elite players is simply consistency...the best of the best are able to focus  and preform at at a higher level of play longer, and more often than most...not science.


  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2015 4:52 AM




    Well I've got this to say ... finish a few Virtual Tour events and place highly, and maybe someone besides yourself will believe you are in the same catagory as the elite players on this site. Mr Queez ...

    My last word ...


    Well here's what I say... After having seen him shoot in a couple of AS matches I've played with him there donny...

    Challenge him to a nice high stakes skins match... See how that works out. LoL




    I've played with him in skins before ... he remembers. It worked out really well for me.

    I reiterate, let us see Mr. Q show us superior play over the long run in a variety of formats, against the best players on this site. 


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2015 6:08 AM

    I'm a level 105 legend, 68.72 average, with good equipment and a cally ball. All I've learned from this never-ending thread is that I suck at this game, while the folks in question don't...  the rest is semantics.

    edit:  I've also learned to never consider playing Queez, or Liz, or Gwen, or anyone else, for credits...:)

  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2015 9:52 AM

    I reiterate, let us see Mr. Q show us superior play over the long run in a variety of formats, against the best players on this site. 

    Well my main format is MPC and Skins Challenge and has been for well over a year.  Guys like Mags, Poldi and Agassi there format is VT and RG's.  I rarely venture into there format and have never seen them in my format.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Nov 15 2015 10:08 AM

    I'm the same way.  You won't find me in too many tournaments because, to me, "stroke play" sounds like something you do in the bedroom with some bar hoochie.  99% of my time here, I'm matching.  My numbers aren't top tier, but I'd place them favorably against a huge majority of WGT.