The new payout system for RG's is a joke. WGT, if your gonna make changes to the game, please run them by the people who pay for the game. Namely, US. If any of the other games that I play online are going to make any changes, they at least have the manners to let us know in advance before they do it. This at least give us a chance to voice our opinions in the matter. The lack of consideration for customers concerns on this site is disgusting. As far as I am concerned, who ever is coming up with this new ideas, should be told to vacate his or her office immediately, in favour of someone who has a bit of sense. The changes that have been made to this game since I joined back in November are sytematically making this game worse instead of improving it.
Quite frankly, I just think this is another thread that will be ignored by WGT, so our best option is for everyone who has an opinion on the recent changes, to send an e-mail to with your complaints. If enough people complain directly to them, surely they will revert to the old tried and trusted method.
The only positive thing to come from the recent update is the changes made to the advertising banner between the holes. The transition is now 100% better than it was, so credit where credit is due. Congratulations on getting something right for a change.