Mr Yancy
You know everyone thinks you're respectables and such, and your investigatables are without whatnots or even bedknobs, but following your recent sightings I decided to do my own investigatables. I writ Mr Googlie and asked for photographicals of the regional around the not-so-common Oakmont Country Club, and in particulies the gold house.
The first photographical is a blimp view of the area which I am sure you can verificate such:
I then asked for another photographical at street levelings and this is what I saw. Please make sure you are seated as this could shock any common man:
That gold house is nothing more than a yellow sign.
Mr Yancy, we all know you have done much travelators in recent times and maybe you have not had much sleepness and whatnot. And sleepnessless leads to illusionables and whatnots and such. I can only be apologisable if these revelationaries have shocked you, but every common man must have his rest - just ask SM, he sleeps on the job! Then you come back 100% refreshables and continue your investigatories.
I'm sorry for being the bearer of bad news. But look on the twinkling bright side - another solving puzzled.