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Decline of gift & Donation of Equipment

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 23 2012 5:50 PM (111 replies)
  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 2:52 PM


    Bring it wanky dim


    What's a wanky dim? I told you to stay off my wall. This one goes to WGT.

    i played you twice and beat you twice,

    Get back on your meds, you're spouting nonsense again.

    played you twice beat ya twice..oh doe's that still hurt you.


  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 3:24 PM




    Trolling you say, divide forum posts into days on the site...your stats against mine and keep up the barrage of insults...i love em. 

    1. My post numbers are high because I own the club Ruff N Rowdy and each time I post within the club forum it's counted as a post. Ooops there goes your display of lack of intelligence again. Do yourself a favor....... your flag you display says you are American ELECT TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS TO REMAIN do nothing but dig yourself in deeper and deeper.

    2.There is a huge difference between and insult and a statement of fact : Let's review the definition of a forum troll:
    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response.

    You purposely came on to this thread saw that it had been ended and commented on it with an inflammatory remark to get folks to react. You are an INTERNET TROLL. A mature adult would of just left it alone. So we're all looking at you now. You have our attention and what do you WOW us with ? Nothing. Limp intelligence. Like I said sometimes the only balls people on here show are those they buy from WGT.

    Grey matter matters!


  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 3:40 PM

                                                   PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLL


  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 3:48 PM

    Boots, your stats are getting worse by the day...keep up the insults..i told you i love em. Now you just need some more anger management classes to control that rage...oh my that"s funny.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 4:06 PM

    Candle-flame burning bright making day of cavelike night oozing wax like syrup slick to drain neath flickered wane wave heaped upon gathered crest no mention then of forlorn quest nor fallen crest like peacock vane still shadow eyed and shadows hide from layered mess that climbs right down living sere the fortune fair creeping thus 'pon dim and echoed lemming lair.

    Just my two cents.

    Lizzie xx

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 5:02 PM

    ...........that's beautiful Liz :)

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 6:02 PM

    I thought this topic was 

    Decline of gift & Donation of Equipment

    I started reading wanting to no (if you were to send a gift to a player) & he/she did decline it (what happens to the gift) is credits refunded..

    After reading for a bit (the only info taken from this topic is who has the (biggest ass crack)

  • Jwax81
    54 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 7:34 PM

    This whole post is great.. LOL


  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 4:16 AM

    I agree, hopefully someone can get another one started was so much fun.

  • philspace
    65 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 6:06 AM

    Is it possible to receive an equipment gift that one wouldn't be entitled to level-wise? It would be soooo great to have the R11 irons before the Olympic course comes to WGT in April/May, but I just realised I will need another 100,000 points for just 2 levels! Even if I play several 18-hole games each day for the next 1-2 months I won't get there in time :(