I must stop by more often.
a lot went on in here,
much ado about pride me thinks,
No waaay I could have predicted about half of the discourse that followed my post.
A few things,
comparing yourself to others and others to yourself only undermines your worth.
This was soooooo not about any of you but it became about personal sensitivities.
Women's rights, including our empowerment, legal and social equality and self-determination are Human Rights... it is NOT about women seeking power over men but rather being able to assert 'power over ourselves'.
Diatribes aside... none of you know me well enough to offend me, so no air blown up my skirt.
So thank-you everybody & believe it or not...
today, March 9th, is 'GET OVER IT DAY'.
I regret that my associations with the likes of Marion, Steph and Maria have been reduced to only a few times a year. I am a stronger person for knowing you all.