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Master CANT beat a Legend in match play

Sat, Apr 9 2011 6:46 PM (131 replies)
  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 4:48 AM

    Guys .. nothing against him personally, and you can rationalize this any way you like but .. The kid had 2 accounts going ... one he shared with his dad .. one he used on his own.    I've played with both the "dad" and the son as BigCountry for over a year and i never knew who I was playing.    I've chatted with him in a chat line and again, i never knew who it was.  Ok it's the internet and that can be expected but .... I will tell you that he (or the "dad") told me specifically last year he was under 18.   If you get the impression I don't think there was a "dad" your right.  

    I've also had him  had him tell me when i bumped up against JordanSteelers in an MPC " Hi  Lou, It's s me bigcountry .. they closed my other account so I have to use this one again".   He played RG's under both accounts (one in a lower tier), he played MPC's under both accounts.   Again - nothing against him personally but it was a violation of the T's and C's which we all signed (and no one reads) when he opened the account. 

    And God knows there are a thousand people doing this on here ... and WGT has no way to police it .... but if he told me .... he must have told others.

    Although it's not as bad as the guy I bumped into and didn't recognize his name who's opening line to me was .... "Hi Lou, how are you, we haven't played in a while" --- and his account was opened 2 days before :) ..... 

    The moral of this story .... Beware who you play in MPC's  ... it could be a wolf in sheeps clothing.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 5:52 AM

    Listen, I don't mind losing. All I know is that "whoever" Bigcountry1966 is, was, that fact remains he was a top 20 Legend player. I simply asked him to drop match and he refused and gave me some song and dance about WGT stole his credits and shutdown his account. It's pretty clear that "something" shady was going on here. Jordansteelers got real good real quick if you know what I mean ;-)   JB

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 6:05 AM

    The shady practice was the 2 accounts. To be left with neither, after letting him play for a few weeks under the remaining account, seems overly harsh.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 6:50 AM

    Both accounts should have been shut down in the first place. In conversations with Big country himself many believe his "son" to be 13 years old. Not hating, but it seems the only people who get tossed out of here are from self-inflicted wounds. Cheaters who post a scorecard with a cheat engine on the screen, multi accounters who end up revealing themselves, the WGT community has to police ourselves. It's very clear that WGT does not have the time or manpower to combat blatant TOS violations. From what I know about this situation WGT has been looking at these two accounts for a little while now. Maybe tried to give the benefit of the doubt, but it became clear two different people were playing under this one account. Back to regularly scheduled b*tching about the meter, quitters, and cheats. JB

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 7:29 AM

    JBenny, Jordan isn't 13 years of age, I can assure you of that. I have spoken with him on Skype and he certainly isn't that age. I believe Jordan started using his father's account originally because his father had upgraded clubs etc and then he virtually binned Jordansteelers until about 9 months ago. He did play some rounds on that account but no more than a dozen, mainly when his dad was online playing as BigCountry.

    So two people were using the same account. Jordan did play on 2 accounts and by the letter of the law this had to stop. I fail to see the logic of allowing one of the accounts to continue only then to suspend it too a few weeks later. 

    He made a stupid mistake but before everyone starts labeling him a cheat, I suggest you go and analyse his playing history, as I did when the first account was closed. I failed to find any situation where he had gained credits by ill gotten means. I may however be wrong.


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 8:05 AM

    All moot points now. Don't know who, how, or why this all came about. I can assure you that more than a few members of the WGT community felt these accounts were fraudulent. Feel bad if "one" of these players is legitimate, but when I sign on to play Jordansteelers an account I believe to be a player who had just made Legend. Bigcountry pops up and says  HELLO, yea I got a huge problem with that. Btw none of this would have happened if the credit seeking perp would have dropped the match like I suggested. So, yes many ill gotten credits have been obtained imo. Hopefully some good can come from this, just play this great game with some honor and integrity. I'm sure we have not seen or heard the last from either, so I'm done. Sorry for hijacking this thread, please feel free to move this portion of it. JB

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 8:16 AM

    Tiffer ... Honest .. I don't want to argue and i don't doubt you spoke to him but .. he made more than one mistake.     He was playing / winning credits under both accounts at the same time.

    As JordanSteelers .. on 1/16/11 .. he played in the January Legend Tier Open and shot 62 coming in 5th place --- 

    On the same date .. he played as BigCountry in 3 ready go's .... 

    It's easy to see ... just go to their profile pages which you can still access through your friends list ... 

    The "my dad" thing is bunk .... he showed up on Mirc several times as "my dad" and/or Jordan and you could tell by what he was saying .. he was putting on a show.   If that was the case everyone could have a "my dad" 2nd account .... 

    He even wanted to join our CC last year and told me ... When I turn 18 I'll send you a pic of my drivers license.    

    Just not cool .... 

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 8:19 AM

    JB we are in agreement even if it appears we're not, lol. I have already stated I have full sympathy for you on your situation with the player. :^)

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 8:26 AM


    As JordanSteelers .. on 1/16/11 .. he played in the January Legend Tier Open and shot 62 coming in 5th place --- 

    On the same date .. he played as BigCountry in 3 ready go's .... 

    I have already said he played on 2 accounts and that was wrong. He didn't to the best of my knowledge play the same tournament with both accounts. That was my point.

    It's easy to see ... just go to their profile pages which you can still access through your friends list ... 

    The "my dad" thing is bunk .... he showed up on Mirc several times as "my dad" and/or Jordan and you could tell by what he was saying .. he was putting on a show.   If that was the case everyone could have a "my dad" 2nd account .... 

    He even wanted to join our CC last year and told me ... When I turn 18 I'll send you a pic of my drivers license.    

    Just not cool .... 

    Such is the folly of youth Lou. Jordan has a lot to learn in social skills, etiquette and manners for sure. I am sure he'll learn his lesson from this whole episode and not turn into the dastardly fiend many people regard him as....


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2011 8:33 AM

    Tiffer, I apologize if it seemed like I was disagreeing with you. A very unsavory situation all the way around for sure. JB