Yup, we should stick to the thread topic & stop talking silly. ... I just don't like seeing some bull *** about becoming a legend from a conflictive player, which has nothing to do with the thread topic. I do disagree about the statement of the thread, I posted my opinion & I'm sticking to it......don't think I did offend anyone.
.....a master can beat a legend, for sure.
btw, ran out of patience here at WTG with the available stuff, particulary with the only four stroke courses available that the only challenge left, at the moment, is to get the legend tee ASAP & by keeping my average low, I migth get it sooner. I did start a thread about when to become a legend, but nobody can or know the magical mat unfortunatelly.
@ vespa; unfortunatelly too, you can only practice the legend tees with very fast greens :( . Practicing the championship tee with the tuffest conditions at Oak or Beth, I am no doing that bad, I finish most of the rounds in midt 60's.....yes, dying to get the next tee :)
Last thing, by looking at vespas avg & stats (just made a 27 at St A. from legend tee...grats!, realy), I could imagine that he could be the kind of legend I would not have a chance to beat playing from the same tee ;)
Regards... Eric