shovlovin:Here is a few stats that you can ponder over,
AMIGOS; 41 PLAYED (184 MEMBERS) 21% = 7,714 POINTS.
Georgian; 70 PLAYED (245 MEMBERS) 28% = 12,747 POINTS
Each to his own, the decision to play in a Clash can't be critizised. But, an uneducated calc shows that the average points per member are just above 180 for both teams (188 and 182 resp.). You might show an uneducated man like me how they should achieve this from one game with one free pass each, plus a few Super Passes between them?
I'd think of an average of 60 points per game (more for skilled players, but less for lower tiers), so it looks like an average of about two extra passes used by each player, at 37 cr each. And, once you start buying them, you'd have to wait too long for the next free one and have to rely on pass purchases entirely.
The uneducated man is still waiting for an objective answer as to what are the benefits of winning an Event and, more so, of running in second?
shovlovin:In my humble opinion it is all about how many members you can get to use their FREE PASS
Says the man who bought a pass on 3-24 and apparently played 14 Clash games in - guestimated - six Clashes. Are you using up the Super Passes?
One of your members (with 1M+ CC XPs) shows 25 actions of buying and gifting passes and speed boosts on the first Clash day. I count five purchase & gift actions for another guy, out of three samples. And still, you are way off any chance to win.
Please tell an uneducated man, how does it work with free passes? Aren't you trying to hide the truth here?
Another uneducated calculation shows that 200 members playing free passes in 10 Clashes each (sleep: yes, work: no!) and achieving 50 points in average would be able to collect 100,000 points in an event, which might bring the win and the Golden Calf to one of them. At a rate of 25 events per year it would take eight years to furnish each of them equally with a mediocre putter.