shovlovin:OK, this was a format that all Country Club owners wanted
Changing subjects, avoiding to answer objective statements, neglecting information that proves your arguments wrong - that's the kind of "discussion" of those who have no point at all.
It's boring to see that you can't even answer which "benefit" it has to you and your CC.
shovlovin:However as i think you will all agree
No I don't. Spare me of these false generalising statements!
shovlovin:this will come in time by positive input from posts
What are you dreaming at night?
We've had so much patience, and in general, nothing changed. Starting from different prizes "coming soon" to obvious faults which were never admitted and are still around (e.g. zero points in clash games), there hasn't been any display of willingness from their side.
They are WGT, hope is futile!