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Southern England Links

Mon, Feb 27 2017 11:23 AM (95 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 6:05 AM

    ^^^^^^ Do your scones have a bit of Bob Marley.......wi jam on ;-)

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 6:52 AM

    We at SEL

    Hey B,

    For those that are not "in the know", could you tell us what SEL stands for?



  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 7:09 AM

    SEL = Southern England Links, Mr. C. (or Supremely Enlightening Location for those in the know).



    Good luck with future endeavours, Mr. Boobs.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 8:24 AM

    Cheers Mr Caddie. Yeah I think I will edit first page as I was being lazy and lethargic lol.

    Mr Toods I thank you for that beautiful flag. I will have it erected above the castle gates.

    P.S Southern England Links.......but you don't have to be from that region to join......he'll I'm not ;-)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 11:40 AM

    Here are the key competitions....

    Do you play in PauFinn's comps?     [ ducks ]    ;-)

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Jul 2 2016 11:49 AM

    LOL, yeah YJ.

    P.S Think we had a hard group (or groups) ;-)

  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sun, Jul 3 2016 3:11 PM

    Apology first, this is a chest beating post, although our participation levels are high, we've just hit over 100 entries (score posted) out of 147 possible members for one of our league fixtures.

    Most of the members won't get near the top 10 which has become fiercely contested, but they know a decent score could earn a league win and a cup group match win. Hell, even a bad round might still pick up 5pts, and the fact they posted a score guarantees 1pt as a thanks for sticking it out. 

    The lowest entry this week (normally the last event) has still got just over 50% of the club turning out.

    Like I said, apologies, but with all the hours of preparation and updating that goes into running this club, sometimes you just gotta yell about it.

    So if you want healthy competition and satisfaction of winning leagues against similarly skilled players (leagues etc are offline, but online stuff does exist) Bubbs does still accept applications as long as you're Pro or above - the road up through the leagues/rankings may be long and hard, but worth it, a few of our Champs have had to do it the hard way!

    Affo - Non playing Club Statto

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Jul 4 2016 3:10 PM

    Cheers Statto.......close of play 103 and some others in club were not able to play for various reasons.

    Now thats activity

    As well as the stuff Andy does on first page of this thread, he has also intoduced a new handicap. Not just off tiers and average but in brief terms he inputs all folks scores over our 18 hole Order of merit events up to 6 months, works out best 10 scores from that and then also grades each course difficulty blah blah blah..........More complex than ive described, but who cares as it works, and he loves doing it ;-)

    During our 1st handicap round this week,  just under half our club came within 2 shots of his prediction, brilliant work indeed.

    So come join us if intrigued.........just play and let statto do his stuff.




  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2016 7:57 AM

    We have a good number of mobile users in club and more are welcome.

    We have a designated thread on our forum for you. As cross platform play is not allowed then this thread enables our mobile users to contact one another to create their own matches.

    Im really wanting more if poss who are keen to play head to head games thus giving the mobile platform folk to create their own matchplay league.

    As per first page of this advert, contact me for further info, or sign up for our website and apply the normal WGT way


  • PTrenter
    437 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 5:24 AM

    SEL has evolved over the years with the help and suggestions from it's members into something kinda resembling a well oiled machine.  We are always open to new club or comp ideas.   Don't be fooled by the CC title, SEL has members from all over the world.

    Everything you need to know can be found on our WEBSITE.  

    There is our FORUM where members share tips, offer advice, posts replays, chew the fat etc

    Our chatbox has members logged into it pretty much 24/7 nowadays thanks to our global membership.

    When I look at our SCHEDULE nowadays, I wonder how we ever coped with just 12 comp slots.   As the club has increased in level, the additional slots has enabled us to improve and expand our LEAGUE system.

    You don't need to play all that of course.  We only ask that you get involved in a CC comp once a month.  It's a rule we keep on top of so that inactives are soon removed.  Quality over quantity and all that.

    Any questions can be fired to Bubbs or feel free to bug me too.