ApexPC: Not making the link clickable was intentional. I know how to make it so.
OK. I'm not sure why one would choose to do it that way, but OK.
ApexPC: Lazy and inconsiderate people that use all lower case, no punctuation or excessive punctuation, thus diminishing the readability of there posts, deserve to be given less consideration in return.
Well, we simply disagree. I try to avoid making those type of judgments (i.e. that someone is lazy or inconsiderate) based solely on how the person posts. Nevertheless, at times, it can be difficult not to form an opinion on some people! :-) (Not you, others.)
For example, I didn't consider you lazy or inconsiderate for posting a link that cannot be simply clicked on in order to open it. True, I assumed that you didn't know how to do it, and I was wrong. My apologies. But that's something different. It never occurred to me to consider you lazy.
In any case, I see discussion boards for the informal conversations that they are. I tend not to worry about other people's spelling, grammar, or style (unless I feel I have a reason to do so). So I don't care... until I do. :-) As long as I can read and understand the basic message, the rest is really not much to worry about. Besides, the readability of a post should be, in my opinion, judged more by its substance than its style.
Obviously, others take a different approach. I suppose that's fine as well. But it's always been my experience that people who are overly concerned with stuff like that end up making a good number of mistakes themselves.
Hit 'em straight and seldom!