lonniescott711: Thye were never a friend to anyone nor seemed to try to let anyone be their friend as well .They havent even responded to any of the posts nor thanked anyone who thought they were worth being defended . Just goes to show how selfish they are as a person IMO just sayin .
Why are you "just saying"? You have absolutely no idea what he's like as a person. He may have been shy, embarrassed about his game or whatever, we don't know.
Maybe he hasn't thanked/responded etc because he's left.
How can people be upset with:
"I've been a member here for about 7 years but the time has come to call it quits. Why ? Well it seems my move up to the Legend tier has rendered the game almost unplayable for me. I made it all those years with some basic equipment. Old Rapture clubs and basic putter, wedges and free balls served me well.
Now that I am a Legend and have been moved back to the "tips", I just can't compete and don't find it enjoyable at all. Not interested in spending the money to upgrade my clubs either. Just not worth it for me personally.
Anyhow. Not knocking WGT. It is what it is."
No criticism of wgt or anyone else, just an honest and accurate assessment of where he found himself with this game. Maybe he didn't think of or want handouts or to do the work to earn credits.
Of course many others would join a more active cc and play red tee stuff or cheat and start again with another another account. He was just honest and gave up as he wasn't enjoying it. Maybe the post was for him, a closure after 2,680 rounds and seven years.