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Sat, Dec 3 2011 10:08 AM (78 replies)
  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2011 7:00 AM




    Hi Everyone,

        I`m an old man and My trigger, finger dinger is lacking the good reaction I had in my younger days.


    You and me both!  Forget the hardware here's what we need.  Maybe Medicare will cover it?



    I see a couple potential problems with this. One, wouldn't that be in the form of a little blue pill. Two, any solid dinger lasting longer than 4 hours would require immediate medical attention...



  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2011 10:03 AM


  • Stevedei
    3 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 12:48 PM

    I have dinger finger problems as well. Mine is from running my finger through a table saw a few years back and I never got all the feeling back. So I don't think the dinger juice will make a difference. 

    As for the cheating. I agree with most of you about the frustration, the ups and downs of the game. I have only been a member since April 25th and I am now at level 44 and a tour pro. I have worked to hard to get where I'm at now and without any cheating program. This game in my opinion is all about putting. I just finally shot a 32 on Kiawah's front nine after trying forever and I can't tell you how many birdie and eagle putts I left within inches of the cup. Its very frustrating at times, but it what makes the game what it is. I'm slowly starting to get the hang of reading the greens and distance to the hole and the power needed to make the putt. I have a mathematical system I am using for up and down hill, distance to hole ect. Its not perfect by no means, but it does help. I have also been playing the same course (Kiawah) to better know the greens, and to break the 32 barrier I've been dealing with. I someday hope to play a round in 20's or 50's.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 11:34 PM

    One thing Bollox said.  He talked about the putting, but then he mentioned the short game, and while putting is the key, the short game is vital.  The key to shooting an amazing round may be fantastic shots, and great putts, but it's also the ability to score even when you miss a bit, or save when you should bogey.  The ability to drain that chip from the rough just off the green, or stiff that blast out of the sand to 2', or lose a drive to the side and punch out of the woods to save par.

    As far as cheating, and whether it is possible to shoot 55... theoretically, every shot in the game that can reach the cup is makable.  When you consider that players like ALee and Bollox have probably taken hundreds of thousands or millions of shots, and have probably seen every shot that they are likely to see (unless they are intentionally exploring) hundreds of times, is it really that surprising that they would become proficient at those shots?  And as to the ding... there are Army marksmen that can hit tiny targets from long distances every time.  It's no surprise that someone who has taken 100000 tee shots would eventually be able to stop the meter pretty much where ever they wanted.

    Also, those best players are using the best equipment, so they are as long as possible, as precise as possible, with as much spin as possible.

    Fairway - Green - Cup

    Fairway - Green - Cup

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Fri, May 13 2011 11:38 PM

    Oh, and I can't wait until I am that good.

    Next summer, all bets are off.

  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 1:05 AM

    As far as cheating, and whether it is possible to shoot 55...

    55 lol that would only put you in 15th place in the Ketel One May cup.Current leader on 50, Still 2 weeks to go,so maybe 50's not low enough!!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 6:38 AM


    Oh, and I can't wait until I am that good.

    Next summer, all bets are off.

    You're short-suiting yourself, JLB. As fast as you've taken to this game you might find yourself qualifying for an Open this year. Don't forget, there are 12 weeks of qualifying ahead because RSG happens right on the heels of CCC.

    While it takes forever and a day to get your average down now that doesn't mean those low 60 scores won't be popping up once in a while, increasing in frequency as you play. Given how easy the conditions are at CCC right now it wouldn't surprise me to see you play possessed one day and drop a 62-63 there. You never know.   ;-)

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 8:24 AM

    Oh, I think even this coming week when I get longer with my Woods and Driver, I'll be capable of a 60 or below, just not with the regularity that the best players do it.  That is what I am looking for, when I am a threat at the top of the leader board regularly.

    I have shot a sub-30 back 9 as part of 18 round 63 on Kiawah, and went 30-32 at BPB for an 18 hole 62.

    And yeah, once I get my longer clubs, I plan to make a valiant effort to qualify for the Open.  If I make it, even if I shoot an all-hell-broke-loose 80 in the Open, I still think the experience will be invaluable when it comes to Opens later this year or next year.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, May 14 2011 8:56 AM

    even if I shoot an all-hell-broke-loose 80 in the Open

    Dead last in both final rounds last year.  :(

    I did get a cool hat though...........

  • Fata
    116 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 9:24 AM

    Would be kind of hard to provide conclusive proof if these programs work as advertised would it not?  First thing they blare is "Undetectable by WGT" or at least the first one I looked up said that and I assume they all do. offers "Perfect meter" and "Virtual caddy" and says it is undetectable as an example.

    So if the cheating thing works as virtually everyone on here says including the very best players and it is indeed undetectable(unless somebody has a screenshot exposing themselves) it's pretty well a given that there is ZERO guarantee you aren't up against cheaters.

    I know there is always the crowd that wants to defend the very top players but even "they" say there are cheaters playing the game.

    So is NOT the only logical conclusion that there will always be an element of not knowing what you are up against.  A player who is good at the game or a player who is employing undetectable cheats.

    I know IF I were a top player I would like to be able to say.  NO I don't cheat and it's easy to know that as these cheating programs are easily detectable by WGT.  But the evidence sure seems to point in a different direction.  Players have been caught cheating and banned.  So the programs exist and and are being used.   Noone knows who is using them so a declaration of innocence is about as impossible to prove as is a accusation of cheating.

    A pity but there really does NOT seem to be a way of telling who is cheating and who isn't.