One thing Bollox said. He talked about the putting, but then he mentioned the short game, and while putting is the key, the short game is vital. The key to shooting an amazing round may be fantastic shots, and great putts, but it's also the ability to score even when you miss a bit, or save when you should bogey. The ability to drain that chip from the rough just off the green, or stiff that blast out of the sand to 2', or lose a drive to the side and punch out of the woods to save par.
As far as cheating, and whether it is possible to shoot 55... theoretically, every shot in the game that can reach the cup is makable. When you consider that players like ALee and Bollox have probably taken hundreds of thousands or millions of shots, and have probably seen every shot that they are likely to see (unless they are intentionally exploring) hundreds of times, is it really that surprising that they would become proficient at those shots? And as to the ding... there are Army marksmen that can hit tiny targets from long distances every time. It's no surprise that someone who has taken 100000 tee shots would eventually be able to stop the meter pretty much where ever they wanted.
Also, those best players are using the best equipment, so they are as long as possible, as precise as possible, with as much spin as possible.
Fairway - Green - Cup
Fairway - Green - Cup