IvaThongon: Even if I knew there were programs that would do all you are saying, what fun would the game be using them? .......Isn't frustration part of real golf? This game totally drives me nuts some days, but I find that part of the fun.
We have a winner!
My guess is most people on here share your sentiments, especially the bit about the frustration! I know I certainly do.
However, my guess is also that some folks could give a rat's a55 about fun, and only want the glory of winning (hollow as it may be when you have to cheat to do it). And when one has the opportunity to win prizes worth thousands of dollars, the incentive to cheat increases significantly.
To be honest, it took all of 30 seconds on Google to find a supposed meter program for WGT (and a virtual caddy website to boot...with 661 current viewers!), so they're definitely out there. And one can probably assume from that fact....that the supply is in direct response to a demand, n'est-ce pas?
You can draw your own conclusions from that one.....
(and no, I didn't d/l the meter program. I'm a born skeptic.....I don't trust the internet. lol)