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Sat, Dec 3 2011 10:08 AM (78 replies)
  • MissouriDan
    312 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 7:48 PM

    I dont really get involved in these pissing matches but I must say that anyone who thinks that there are no cheaters in this game are ignorant. Ive recently noticed an influx of "new" hack players in the community spotlight that are level 5-15 that have a 58-62 average. I believe that every once in a while you might find a player who just dominates a game as soon as he or she picks it up but not at the frequency at which Ive been seeing. Another option is that some of these hacks are actually legends who have started up new accounts, which correct me if Im wrong, is also against the rules here. So either way, besides the one player every once in a while that I mentioned above, I believe that there are tons of people cheating this game one way or another. And before anyone goes and looks at my stats. Im a good player at times and a bad player at times. Not sour on these players, I just dont like cheats. I also love to play the game and I will just continue to play with the regular group of people I play with because that group knows that none of the other players are cheats.....

  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 9:04 PM

    I guess everyone has different motives behind playing this game. My motive is to have fun. I don't take notes, I don't track anything, I just play for me. Even if I knew there were programs that would do all you are saying, what fun would the game be using them? Do you just start the game, then go for a walk until it's done? What enjoyment could one possibly get from that?

    Isn't frustration part of real golf? This game totally drives me nuts some days, but I find that part of the fun.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 9:47 PM


    yes there is at least one program out there that does everything for you...except hit the hit button

    Isn't hitting the hit button the only part that is hard?

    Just sayin'

    i'd say that's the most important thing in this game just as it is in real life golf or even baseball for that matter's all about timing = effects distance as well as accuracy.

    my own personal thoughts on the subject of cheating.............I can think off better and much more enjoyable ways of getting nice things in life other than grinding out autopiloted rounds on here day in day out to to win credits that you can't do bugger all with apart from buy balls...........or in the unlikely hope to cash out on that Mazerati at 70 million credits lol....I mean that would take how many years to amass rofl....and you'd most likely die of boredom before you even got your hands anywhere near the car keys.

    are there cheaters on WGT.....of course there will be....just as their are in any of chance etc where prizes are on offer...but not everyone who hits a really low score is a cheat and until anyone can show conclusive proof.....then there ain't much we can do is there?

    i know there are a few folks who can consistently hit really low scores on the difficult courses even in heavy winds.....but they may just be very good at the game and until anyone can prove to me otherwise then sayonara.

    just sayin'2


  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 6:13 AM

    Even if I knew there were programs that would do all you are saying, what fun would the game be using them? .......Isn't frustration part of real golf? This game totally drives me nuts some days, but I find that part of the fun.


    We have a winner!

    My guess is most people on here share your sentiments, especially the bit about the frustration!  I know I certainly do.

    However, my guess is also that some folks could give a rat's a55 about fun, and only want the glory of winning (hollow as it may be when you have to cheat to do it).  And when one has the opportunity to win prizes worth thousands of dollars, the incentive to cheat increases significantly. 

    To be honest, it took all of 30 seconds on Google to find a supposed meter program for WGT (and a virtual caddy website to boot...with 661 current viewers!), so they're definitely out there.  And one can probably assume from that fact....that the supply is in direct response to a demand, n'est-ce pas?

    You can draw your own conclusions from that one.....

    (and no, I didn't d/l the meter program. I'm a born skeptic.....I don't trust the internet.  lol)


  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 6:54 AM

    Have chimed in before about the subject but I suppose one more time couldn't hurt.  I'd be extremely surprised if anyone in the top class of players were using any cheating device.  You simply can't reach that level without be proficient in all aspects of the game, and by far most important of all being able to read putts.   The top players expect to make everything inside of 20 feet, that is how we score.  It does not matter to the elite players whether or not we are dinging every shot, because we will make the 20 foot putt more often than joe-schmoe legend makes a 10 footer. 

    People have every right to be skeptical, I know I was questioning exactly how tibbets, avatarlee, and nivlac were so dominant in 2009 when I signed up.  After playing many rounds with those guys it became quite clear.  They knew the optimal way to deal with every situation, how to turn poor shots into birdie opportunities using their incredible short games.

    In conclusion, are there people cheating?  Sure, that shommy guy on the ladder site got banned for using that stuff, so it is definitely out there.  Is it the best players doing it?  Very unlikely, nothing I have ever seen thru countless rounds among the best players would suggest that they are.

  • Bristoluk
    412 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 7:13 AM


    Have chimed in before about the subject but I suppose one more time couldn't hurt.  I'd be extremely surprised if anyone in the top class of players were using any cheating device.  You simply can't reach that level without be proficient in all aspects of the game, and by far most important of all being able to read putts.   The top players expect to make everything inside of 20 feet, that is how we score.  It does not matter to the elite players whether or not we are dinging every shot, because we will make the 20 foot putt more often than joe-schmoe legend makes a 10 footer. 

    People have every right to be skeptical, I know I was questioning exactly how tibbets, avatarlee, and nivlac were so dominant in 2009 when I signed up.  After playing many rounds with those guys it became quite clear.  They knew the optimal way to deal with every situation, how to turn poor shots into birdie opportunities using their incredible short games.

    In conclusion, are there people cheating?  Sure, that shommy guy on the ladder site got banned for using that stuff, so it is definitely out there.  Is it the best players doing it?  Very unlikely, nothing I have ever seen thru countless rounds among the best players would suggest that they are.

    just a question does anybody know why tibbets and nivlac left Tibbets had  fantactic stats and a puttg average of 74 thats unreal

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 8:33 AM

    Niv went on to work for WGT as a forum admin and is now working behind the scenes.....  

    And nobody but Tibbets knows what happened to Tibbets.........

  • Mosales
    52 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 8:52 AM

    I just played the tourney and shot 2 under. However with my lack of great putting skills holding me back I SHOULD have been 8 under. (missed at least 6 birdie putts that I have made in the past.) Yes there are cheaters out there but most of the members here play the game for enjoyment. My 2 credits worth. Now I'm going to the practice green. Wait we don't have one yet.

    Play well hit'em straight.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 9:54 AM

    joe-schmoe Legend here..............

    Just to be clear for everyone reading this.  Bolly's statement below shouldn't be misunderstood as "shommy" was only on the ladder site.

    In conclusion, are there people cheating?  Sure, that shommy guy on the ladder site got banned for using that stuff, so it is definitely out there.  Is it the best players doing it?  Very unlikely, nothing I have ever seen thru countless rounds among the best players would suggest that they are.

    "shommy" was a WGT member playing multi-player games on WGT while cheating using external software.  Those multi-player games on WGT were being counted as ladder site Ryder Cup matches.  He was caught on the ladder site and WGT was then notified.  WGT did not detect that cheat software.  Shommy was banned from both WGT and the ladder site as a result.

    If you read the discussion on the ladder site, his cheating was not obvious although players in the game thought "WOW That's an amazing shot" and had their suspicions.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Apr 29 2011 11:45 AM

    Niv went on to work for WGT as a forum admin and is now working behind the scenes....

    Not any more.  :-(

    On shommy's escapade, he actually busted himself. He posted a screenshot of something in a thread there and in the toolbar of his desktop you could see the cheat engine tab right next to the WGT tab. He actually edited it out but it was too late because somebody had spotted it and copied it in a succeeding post.  Needless to say, he got the dumb move of the year award. LOL