>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PREDICTOR RYDER CUP 2016 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Final results
Extra prize
- thegoosebag with 5 precise predictions, prize 2 x sleeves (please post here your ball preference asap)
Congratulations winners. You will receive your prizes in the next few days.
I don't believe I am missing predictions although BIG APOLOGIES if there are mistakes, Please post ONLY if it changes FINAL results ; )))
Thank you VERY much to all sponsors of this event !!!
- frappefort
- steviewotimes
- MainzMan
- tony40mo
- darek2
WGT & LOLserver
EDIT: stizzie was missing to be registered his SINGLE matches, he earns also a third place with 13 points & 500 credits : )))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PREDICTOR RYDER CUP 2016 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
...sorry stizzie, I was missing your card but now all is FIXED ; )))