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How average is a players average score

rated by 0 users
Sat, Aug 6 2011 4:33 AM (22 replies)
  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Aug 4 2011 11:12 PM


    Exactly, perhaps they should bring in a super legend tier. How about something like, "GOLFING MEGA GOD!!!"

    I think it does make a mockery of the tier in so much as every player can become a legend if they play long enough and are reasonably capable at the game.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2011 3:36 AM



    Exactly, perhaps they should bring in a super legend tier. How about something like, "GOLFING MEGA GOD!!!"

    I think it does make a mockery of the tier in so much as every player can become a legend if they play long enough and are reasonably capable at the game.


    Soon more than half of all the people playing this game will be Legends, making the game too top weighted. Wgt will have to make a new Tier Shortly.




  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sat, Aug 6 2011 4:33 AM



    The trouble with the average system now, is that if you stay on here and play regularly, you will at sometime reach Legend status whether you are good enough or not. If it was a true average I wouldn't be up here.

    That's it in a nutshell. I play a lot and have my moments but an average of 59.00 is laughable. It terrifies the life out of a lot of players who haven't played with me, then they wonder what all the fuss was about, lol....

    If being promoted to higher tiers is solely based on average (and a minimum number of rounds played, which makes sense in order to have an average which means something from statistical point of view), the problem with a true average is that you can stay forever in a given tier even if you are good enough to be promoted (sandbagging).

    So for lower tiers (lower than legend) I do not see a simple solution which on one side prevents sandbagging and on the other side avoid to promote players "not good enough" to be promoted (because indeed with the actual system everyone playing regularly will be promoted up to legend at some point). But thinking at it seriously, clearly a solution should exist.

    Now for legend, because by definition there is no sandbagging, the average could be computed differently. Average should reflect the actual level of play of a player. So one should not use all the rounds played as legend (because at the beginning eveyone struggles as legend, so your level after 200-300 rounds can be very different from your level at the beginning). One could then simply use the average over the last 100 rounds for example. 100 is larger enough such as the average means something but it is still small enough to capture your actual level of play (the level of play you have right now).
