Once pay to play is accepted for trugolf courses and becomes an everyday thing here at wgt the next logical move is to charge for the hd courses that are currently free. They will be more expensive than the trugolf courses because this is A BUSINESS.....and they are a better product. Call me cynical but rather that than naive.
Out-freakin'-standing point Spacklero.
If I may draw an analogy or two:
1) The Golden Gate Bridge was finished in 1937. At the time, the powers that be informed the general public that there would be a toll of 25¢ for 2 wheeled vehicles to pay for the $35M bond to complete the bridge. They had said that by 1970, the tolls would have paid for the bridge and that travel would then be free. (source)
Today, the GGB is removing all human toll-takers, hiking the tolls to minimum of $6, and making it a general pain in the behind to cross without sucking your wallet dry because they have no money.
2) In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln created the Office of Internal Revenue to pay expenses associated with the Civil War. (source)
Guess what? The Civil War is long since over and we're still paying the IRS.
The point? Simple. Once an entity, being the GGBA, IRS or WGT, finds a way to start a revenue stream, it will do EVERYTHING in it's power to keep that stream flowing.