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I would like to introduce a player to the Mods

Fri, Feb 17 2017 12:29 AM (133 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 2:55 PM


    I'm upset that it wasn't lifted long enough for me to post a timely response for my friend Peter...but at least it was eventually posted.

    Me too here I go

    The posting guidelines are available and for the most part are pretty clear. Sure there are grey areas, and as such are circumnavigated from time to time, but often law is about the intent when it was written, not necessarily the way it is interpreted, For that, as for the guidelines, I have no problem.

    But then there is an anomaly......where does it mention the penalties if those very guidelines are broken?

    In golf, in a stroke round and I ground my club in a hazard, I accept I will receive a 2 stroke penalty.

    Now if I break those posting guidelines - what penalty will I receive.

    The problem as I see it, this is subjective, and as we know, subjectivity can be unfair, biased and unjust.

    In Colin's case, I think the he could have/should have at least had a temporary lifting of his moderation, so he could post in real time regarding Peter, not wait a day until it showed. This was also highlighted when the Andyson tournament was run, some players could not post scores or even post at all......surely some discretion should be used.

    Therefore these guidelines should be updated to also state what punishments will be, including length and should future transgressions occur, what those ramifications will be.

    So what I think should happen is:

    1. Advise the player what rules they have broken
    2. Advise the length of the punishment
    3. process for appealing, including timeframes and process

    This would add transparency to the process, which currently does not exist.

    Now here is one of those grey areas, and bear in mind, this thread is 11 pages long.

    From the guidelines -

    "Creating threads with the intention of highlighting disciplinary actions taken against a player"

    Sort of highlights the conditions and how these guidelines can be interpreted and I suppose the lack of consistency.

    Yes when I created the thread, it was in hope that Colin could post freely, but was done in a light hearted manner with humour injected, But at the core it highlights the frailties of the system, when anyone can fall foul of the system, or the people in charge of that system are not impartial.

    Alan...well penned and on point. Ironically, they did approve my views about some of the points you highlight (see my last post).

    The mod(s) want me to turn the other cheek when attacked. I'd be happy to do so, if the instigators were punished for breaking the T& not showing respect for other players in the forum. Otherwise, I'm just giving them two sides of my face to smack instead of one.



  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 5:37 PM


    From the guidelines -

    "Creating threads with the intention of highlighting disciplinary actions taken against a player"

    Sort of highlights the conditions and how these guidelines can be interpreted and I suppose the lack of consistency.

    Yes when I created the thread, it was in hope that Colin could post freely, but was done in a light hearted manner with humour injected, But at the core it highlights the frailties of the system, when anyone can fall foul of the system, or the people in charge of that system are not impartial.

    Valid point Alan. Technically broke the guidelines by creating this thread. So, did you receive any kind of notice from WGT concerning your blatant violation of the rules? 

    Probably not.....and therein lies the problem WGT. Why the double standard? Alan's opening post seems to be a violation, so why isn't he in the doghouse with Colin? I think it seems a bit unfair for the mods to pick and chose willy-nilly who they think should get a time-out.

    Either the rules have been broken or they haven't and if they have, then everyone should be treated exactly the same. Also, if there are posting guidelines, then the exact punishment for each offense should be clearly listed in those guidelines.

    Alan, don't get me wrong, I'm not throwing you under the bus. I'm just adding to your argument about the double standard.





  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 7:08 PM

    they did approve my views about some of the points you highlight (see my last post).

    They were approved, but to be honest, I do not see this as being about censorship.

    You usually have valid points to make, and I believe that having a range of viewpoints is constructive and then allows others to formulate their own opinion.

    What I have done is highlight that there are grey areas and there is no visible or transparent structure in punishing people who break the guidelines.

    there is no scale in the guidelines - so presumably each transgression should be treated in the same way, with equal punishment,

    As you point out, some people who attack you appear to get away unpunished, yet trying to defend yourself, you find yourself getting punished.

    I am not saying what you did was right or wrong (to be honest I did not see it) but why were all parties not punished, especially when they presumably broke those very guidelines.

    Again, it comes down to consistency and a punishment that is fit for the crime. This is why transparency is required.

    I'm not throwing you under the bus. I'm just adding to your argument about the double standard

    LOL worries, I threw myself under the bus.

    I have no beef with any of the Mods at all, I just see this has been a travesty of justice and highlighted the hypocrisy in the current system.

    If I get timed out, so be it, as long as they are consistent.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 8:52 PM

    So nobody can tell you how to run things . It is not a branch of the Government . No Constitution to abide by . No Bill of Rights . 

    Therein lies the problem, and the people moderating it have zero accountabilities, thus may let someone who they like bend the rules, but come down like a ton of bricks on someone they don't like,

    The old saying "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse"....luckily there is no great power here!

    As Paul points out, nothing will change, lessons will not be learned and the banter will continue between the players, and the company will soldier on counting the profits.

    Perhaps the intention is to have no forum, then there will be no complaints visible....and they will continue on in a perfect world with a perfect game.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 11:29 PM

    You know, and at the risk of being kick right out of the game for good,  I'll post it. 

    If you don't like this forum, there's nothing stopping someone from getting a hosting account, installing forum software, picking some mods and creating say..... 

    Pro Players Golf Forum

    Load it up the way you want it, moderate it the way you want it. 


    What do you think the odds of this one emptying out are?  > <


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2017 12:28 AM

    That is commonplace in all forums

    Not all....I was a mod for a while on an aviation site.....the guidelines were pretty simple and similar yo here, but fits on half a page. Not once nor anyone I know got picked on as their face did not fit. 

    At times probably 50% of posts on certain topics were deleted, primarily as they were defamatory or too speculative. But never deleted on a grudge - they simply did not follow the rules.

    As I said back a few pages, there have been alternative forums for WGT, but they tended to be a no bars hold forum.......the problem with that is it is simply a kangaroo court