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This place is a rip off!!!

Mon, Feb 20 2017 1:57 AM (63 replies)
  • Don1500
    4 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2017 3:27 PM

    I have been trying for days to get credit for a purchase that would have given me 1300 points. The "Powers That Be" first said that because I live in South Carolina I was not eligible for prizes since it was against "Gambling laws". But this was a promotional give away, like any other web site giving points for you purchasing an item. They refused this too. Then they said I didn't fulfill the requirements, again a LIE. If they are going to have a promotional give away they should stand by it. This is a bunch of BS and I will never stop complaining until they correct their thieving and lying ways.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2017 8:43 PM

    1) Points for a purchase? What kind of points? (What kind of purchase?)

    2) If it were 1,300 credits, imagine how far you would go, how much time you'd spend for 13 $....? Do you have enough proof for legal action?

    3) If you don't like the feeling of being scammed, you better stop any "free credits" action. You have to embrace this feeling as part of the price that you pay, besides the precious time of your life.

    I rather invest some real money for my pastime and enjoy the fun of it!

    4) The culprit ain't WGT but the company not fulfilling their offer.

    5) Neither of them will hear you here.

    BTW: If you desire to take any real money out of this game you'd be heavily disappointed, almost certainly.

    Have fun!

  • Don1500
    4 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2017 4:17 PM

    I am not "looking to get any real money out of this game." I simply want them to live up to their promotional offer. Look it up. It's one for FTD.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2017 8:50 PM

    I never look into any "offers" - my lifetime is too precious.

    But, I'm afraid that my numbered points were too close to truth for you, so you had to concentrate on my BTW only.

    Anyway: Have fun!

  • ttuna1234
    526 Posts
    Sat, Feb 11 2017 4:18 PM

    my lifetime is too precious.

    16,250 Posts

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
  • pmm711
    5,761 Posts
    Sat, Feb 11 2017 8:36 PM

    Don,  There is a place to complain about missing credits after buying flowers via the FTD offer.  If you made the purchase with the credit card you supplied then you should get the credits.  I live in Georgia and have received many credits from Sephora and Bed Bath & Beyond after my wife and daughter shopped.  Go to the offer screen and you'll find the linto hit to state your case.  I hope this helps!  Paul

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 11 2017 11:38 PM

    There is a place to complain about missing credits after buying flowers

    I have a complaint....where do I post this....I bought some flowers from the credit offer.....but turns out they went to a 350 pound hairy dude.....but the avatar did not indicate this......and after all that....I just could not understand why they also wanted balls.....

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 1:57 AM


    my lifetime is too precious.

    16,250 Posts
    Sorry, I just couldn't resist.


    Many are simple responses to help.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 2:29 AM

    my lifetime is too precious.

    16,250 Posts

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

    +1, but these are fun, while scam ain't.


    Late edit: I have been attacked for writing about scam in this thread. I'm clueless about what exactly the guy meant, but let me clarify this:

    I never meant a person! And, the +1 shows my agreement with ttuna1234 about the time consumed by my many posts.

    The "scam" in this post is the same as the scam further above: "The feeling of being scammed" which refers to disappointing situations where players are denied what they think is due from the offers or the surveys or the videos.

    2 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 4:12 AM

    Alosso is the little uneducated guy who cant figure things out so he does the passive aggressive, ''my time is too valuable''. Yet he took precious time to comment on your post and really gave no help and admitted he was clueless about what your problem was. Just another internet troll looking for attention.

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