For a newer player such as yourself the best CC for you is one where you can feel free to go into the CC Forum and ask for advice and get it.
One where you kind find members who have been in your shoes and learned how and what to do when. By how and what to do I am not only talking about things like club and shot selection for a particular shot but what clubs to buy as you progress, when to buy them to maximize your potential while minimizing the cost to you.
One where a Legend or Tour Legend will gladly partner with you in an alt shot game with 2 other CC members so you feel part of the team.
Some of my measures of a good CC include:
1) What percentage of the members have played in the last few days?
2) How active is the CC Forum?
3) How many members play in the CC Tournaments?
4) Does the owner care and feed the CC?
Just some thoughts.