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Champion Saturation

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Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:05 AM (52 replies)
  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 2:33 PM

    and the "additionals" are bs.

    He's correct by saying "additionals"...your RR count resets to zero when you start a new, higher level tier.  So, in essence, you need a set number of additional RRs to advance to the next tier.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 2:36 PM


    I didn't write anything about playing fields not being level. So I'm not sure why you mention me. I was referring to the point that if WGT now made Tour Legends play 500 rounds to saturate when they only required 200 rounds for those who were TL before the introduction of the Champion tier (as someone in another thread suggested), then WGT "moved the goalposts."

    Here, the metaphor of moving the goalposts refers to changing the conditions or rules for people after a game has started. But I made no remarks about playing fields being or not being level. Simply put: you're refuting a point I did not make.  

  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 2:42 PM



    What you wrote is my understanding. But the other person clearly wrote, "
    When it is 59,99 you go from Tour Legend to Champion." That's not correct.  

    Maybe the person meant from Legend to Tour Legend. But it wouldn't be correct for that either because that's 60.000.  

    Robert, You're correct.  That's why I made my list of the actual requirements in my post.  I also went up to my post that you're referencing and added some notes after my "+1" for clarity.  Still...this topic gets beaten up over and over and over again.  When all anyone has to do is simply use the "Search" box to right in this main forum.  I thought all these apps are intuitive today and people knew how to use the features given to them.  The denseness of so many "smart" individuals boggles me at times.  And no, I'm not referring to anyone in particular when I make that statement.  I'm making a blanket observation.  You'd be surprised how many graduate students can't fill out simple Cap&Gown forms for their graduations.  My wife is in that business and comes home and shakes her head.  These are tomorrow's leaders and they can't fill out simple information.  I just mix her a martini and laugh.  Peace....Paul

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 2:47 PM

    The denseness of so many "smart" individuals boggles me at times.  And no, I'm not referring to anyone in particular when I make that statement.  I'm making a blanket observation.  You'd be surprised how many graduate students can't fill out simple Cap&Gown forms for their graduations.  My wife is in that business and comes home and shakes her head.  These are tomorrow's leaders and they can't fill out simple information.  I just mix her a martini and laugh.  Peace....Paul

    I hear ya and agree. And I absolutely would not be surprised by the inability of grad students to fill out a simple form. I teach at a university. At times, the cluelessness of grad students (and students in general) amazes me. Of course, there are times when some faculty aren't that much better. The stories I could tell.... But I bet you've heard a lot of those stories from your wife.

    Peace to you as well.  

  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 2:55 PM

    But I really hate it when people "move the goalposts." The requirements should be consistent for everyone.


    But you did state the above.  And you used the word "hate".  Pretty strong word when the game allows people to play with "super balls" if they so choose.  So in essence, you did write something about playing fields not being level.

    I'm not here to start a debate as it's all semantics anyway.  You feel like achieving a goal a certain way.  Other people choose to reach that goal in another way.  Who cares?  It's not like WGT is going to plop a trophy and a big fat check to you via FedEx Overnight and put your name in the PGA HOF...or even a WGT HOF for that matter.

    At the end of the day this is just a frigg'in virtual game.  I enjoy the people I play alt-shot with and the members of my CC.  None of this matters at all.  It's a hobby...a puzzle...and is very therapeutic...oh yeah...and FUN!  I'm praying it staves off the onset of Alzheimer's,

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 3:00 PM

    and the "additionals" are bs.

    He's correct by saying "additionals"...your RR count resets to zero when you start a new, higher level tier.  So, in essence, you need a set number of additional RRs to advance to the next tier.

    I might agree to your text but not to the original phrasing. It wrongly implies that 400 rounds were needed:

    200 for saturation and another "additional" 200 to tier up,

    (wrong statement crossed out), while it's only 200 TL rounds in total (and a 59.000 average).

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 3:27 PM

    But you did state the above.  And you used the word "hate". 

    You're correct. I did. And I admit that my writing lacked clarity.

    When I stated that I hate when people move goalposts, I was referring to people in general. In other words, I hate it when people set certain rules or parameters and then capriciously change them for others. But I wasn't referring to any players being able to do that. Indeed, players don't get to set the goalposts (i.e. rules or parameters) of this game. WGT does. 

    Off the top of my head, here's a hypothetical that can serve as an example. Let's say that the required average to reach Champion tier is 59.00, which is something that we all agree upon (I think). So, I'm playing along and start moving toward that goal. When I'm almost there, let's say WGT decides, nah, forget that. We're now going to make it 58.00, but we'll grandfather in everyone who had already achieved Champion status. Before that point it was 59.00; for me and everyone else after, it's now 58.00.

    That would be moving the goalposts. And I hate that. Inherently, it's inconsistent. 

    572 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 4:30 PM

    It doesnt really matter - play to the best of your ability and hope your opponents are doing likewise.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 5:01 PM

    Actually, in a very real sense, it does matter. It has nothing to do with what other players are doing. 

    To belabor the point, in another thread, someone suggested that it takes 500 rounds for a person to saturate at Tour Legend. According to that person, the only players who saturated at 200 rounds were those players who were already Tour Legend when the Champion tier was created. That person claims if a player became Tour Legend after the date of the creation of the Champion tier, then the number of required rounds to reach Champion is 500.

    If that were the case, then that's an inequitable situation and does matter. The reason is that it's a stricter standard for some than it is for others. Now, I don't think the other person is correct. But if he were, then that would matter to those of us who (literally) came late to the game.  

  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 5:32 PM

    According to that person, the only players who saturated at 200 rounds were those players who were already Tour Legend when the Champion tier was created. That person claims if a player became Tour Legend after the date of the creation of the Champion tier, then the number of required rounds to reach Champion is 500.

    To the best of my knowledge, and my knowledge comes from highly recognized individuals in this game, it's ALWAYS been 500 RRs in order to go from Legend to Tour Legend.  It's a grind...and always has been,  That's why those players scoff at the fact that reaching Champion only requires 200 RRs.  Why so easy after The Grind?  Now with that being said, they should never change the requirement.  That would be unfair for those yet to come.