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Osama Bin Laden is DEAD....

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Tue, May 10 2011 1:46 PM (114 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 8:50 AM

    when you have this kind of can afford to be arrogant....Hell Yeah!!!

    And that's just the little fly boys!! Sure wouldn't want them mad at me.  :-D

  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 9:39 AM


    Admittedly my in-depth knowledge is more about the WW2 era, but I'm not unaware of history since then. Mentioning research is opening a can of worms you don't want me to force-feed you...

    I'll be your Huckleberry!!! Open that can!!!

    You can't force feed somebody a history that's a source of pride for an entire nation collectively.  You're exactly like a certain foreign national who used to attempt to stir the pot in the forums by stating personal opinion and Wikipedia as fact when it came to the U.S.  He not only got shut down, he left the game due to the plethora of factual arguments that put him well in his place.  His own countrymen were ashamed of him in the end!

    Don't forget, when it comes to research you need to investigate U.S. and U.N. documents and history.  Everyone knows that when a country that has bit off more than they could chew by attacking the U.S. the history written in that country is contradictory to actual events... including the U.K. (which has finally come clean on the past 300 years).  Furthermore, it's not just politics, war, and foreign aid.  How many different versions are there in how many countries about Christopher Columbus alone?

    OBL got exactly what he deserved.  He challenged the U.S. to find and kill him after the 911 attacks; to bring him to justice.  Guess what?!?  He hid in the vary compound he was killed in for 5 years!!! Why? Because he was scared once he realized the hunt was on!

    BTW, who trains the Aussie Special Forces?  Uhm... we do!  What country trains the largest majority of the military forces throughout the world?  We do!  Then again, what's to be expected from a man of hispanic/mexican heritage who's Australian?  And you think we've got it wrong?!?

  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 1:07 PM

    Good points everyone, even the detractors, (correct my spelling please). Being of Hawaiian heritage, There is a vast majority of my fellow Islanders who feel that the U.S. stole the islands from her people, a much debated issue here! And to be honest I'm what  some call a fence sitter. But still, the Hawaiians don't go out and blow innocent people to peices. So, what I was asking in my previous post that mister Mendoza missed....... is this! What the heck is wrong with sitting down and telling someone that they are making a mistake. Because my neighbor backs over my flowers doesn't mean its Ok for me to put a stick of dynamite in his tail pipe. I know the analogy is far fetched, but it still fits. My question still remains this. What went wrong with U.S. policy that all of a sudden people all over the world want to kill us on sight. where'd we go off the tracks here. somebody tell us what we did wrong, that's all I eas saying! Y ou know that when our fore fathers started this country they had no idea that this kind of stuff would happen, it' is just possible, though, that the saying,"damned if you do and damned if you don't" was in use back in those days. So they knew what they were getting into!

        Everyone could learn a lesson from the ancient Hawaiians, a small thing we call Aloha. A little of this stuff goes a long way. Another thing they had in those days was a thing called humility. Not enough of that going around anymore either. Yeah, but what's that got us where we are right now, as a people on the verge of fading out of the picture, we're the ones who should be raising a fuss. but, not blowing up women and children. I am looking over from the other side of the fence, I hope as I look over there's someone over on the other side with a friendly smile and a cheerful wave. Aloha to all!! 

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Mon, May 9 2011 1:28 PM

    Great, Iukine. That Hawaiian quality is what people all over the world liked about Barack. We just didn't have a word for it.

  • JuanMendoza
    469 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 12:47 AM


    BTW, who trains the Aussie Special Forces?  Uhm... we do!  What country trains the largest majority of the military forces throughout the world?  We do!  Then again, what's to be expected from a man of hispanic/mexican heritage who's Australian?  And you think we've got it wrong?!?

    Actually, we've sent Specials Ops and pilots to train Americans too, but its irrelevant anyway.

    The assumption that I'm Hispanic because of my GAME NAME takes the cake. It must take special training to be that obtuse...and the inference that the opinion is somehow worth less because it comes from an Hispanic is....well, I'll let you say the word that defines this behaviour.


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 3:45 AM

    Ah, Noam Chomsky, the Donald Trump of the weirdo left. Thinks if you're an expert at one thing (real estate, or linguistics) you can be an expert at running other people's lives.

    As Noam concludes, "There is much more to say, but even the most obvious and elementary facts should provide us with a good deal to think about." Exactly, Noam: Think before you speak.

  • StoneColdKiller
    76 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 4:37 AM

    So you compare him with someone whose point of view would not be taken seriously by the masses?

    So you question his credintials?

    You also question whether he thought before he spoke/wrote?

    Well, you seem to have more of an understanding and insight about matters; after all you think he doesn't know what he's talking about and 'seem' to have a conflicting belief. (correct me if i'm mistaken, sir)

    So, to a logical person, such as yourself, should your response not refute the 'message'  instead of the author?

    The man who said the world was round was considered mad by all; I wonder what would happen if people in the modern age became as collectivist as back then... oh wait... never mind :)


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 4:54 AM

    Noam Chomsky is a brilliant linguist, and Donald Trump is fabulous at selling real estate.

    If either of them has muttered a word of truth about public affairs within living memory, I'd be fascinated to hear it.

    Until then, I won't be turning to them for political enlightenment, any more than I would seek guidance on such matters from, say, Jane Fonda or Mel Gibson.

  • StoneColdKiller
    76 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 5:25 AM

    I see. So every word he's uttered in living memory about public affairs is false?  Quite a bold statement; impressive.

    So who do you turn to or subscribe to for your political enlightenment?