Thanks for the feedback guys, looks like I'm on my own on this suggestion, maybe I'm different but it would be very useful playing uneven lies, maybe in the future the pro shop will have something that suits me
Hi Marty,
I'm with you, I recently rented the 225 Hybrid over Master's weekend as my 3i only goes 220 & wow the difference In stopping power Is unreal with the higher trajectory, Played with two Champs yesterday In a Strokeplay on Best Of Hardest & we all had a similar yardage in, roughly 222 (give or take a yard) of an approach shot In & they hit good shot's but didn't stop whereas the Hybrid stopped dead (varies between one hop forward or back).
When I get to your Level I'll probably go for the 227 Hybrid like you have or hope WGT allow us In the future to drop the 3i so we can keep the 3 wedges & equip a 225 - 235 high trajectory club.
Before anyone says "The 3 wedges are the scoring clubs & all the best players have 3 wedges" I agree & It "killed" me to lose one of my 3 wedges, I now only have a 60 yd & 80 yd & then I have a gap to my 115 PW but spent a day hitting PW in Full Shot down to 105/106 yd's & the Punch shot of the PW from 98 to 92 with FBS & it's 104/105 hit Flat & 103 with TS & my 80 yd wedge goes 87 with TS so I'm with you Marty