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Could 55 be the cut line this year?

Fri, Jun 2 2017 1:43 PM (54 replies)
  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 9:40 AM


  • HardCoded
    21 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 11:24 AM


    Don't say say 54, but we might to saying that soon.

    Great course for birds once you put the ball below the pin (which seems to be ever hole).

    Initial thoughts more to come. 

    This Virtual Tour is a big deal. Real world prizes, life changing expierences, but it seems to me that the scores are way to low for the realism of this game.

    The VT seems to be geared for the few top level players with the best clubs, rulers, and all the time in the world to hit the ball.  For anyone under LVL 97 (Top equipment) , making the cut is very tuff let alone having a chance at winning.

    A possible fix would be to apply a Shot Clock like on the PGA tour.  Even then the scores are going to be low, but it might help. 

    Would be nice if everyone was required to play with the same top level clubs in this thing. (choose your own ball) Now i know this is not going to happen, but it would make things a bit more interesting and fair. (due to the prizes involved)

    Unfortunatley it will be at least a couple years before I have the equal setup as these 55ers as I am a measly lvl 93.  (that is a whole other subject -Time between lvl 91-97) Until then I will save my balls for consec day rounds and save up my money for a Ruler.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 12:44 PM


    Don't say say 54, but we might to saying that soon.

    Great course for birds once you put the ball below the pin (which seems to be ever hole).

    Initial thoughts more to come. 


  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 3:09 PM


  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 4:46 PM


    This Virtual Tour is a big deal. Real world prizes, life changing expierences, but it seems to me that the scores are way to low for the realism of this game.

    If they would put it at single play, and open the course for practice.  You would not see these low of scores by all the top guns.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 4:46 PM

    It happens every year. Early scores go low and then the game tightens up. Players will be chasing that magic number and eating the balls up.; Then a week or so before the end the game loosens up and the talk/fear turns to the cut while last minute, fevervish attempts to qualify assumes control.  

    LOL  Every year.........   :-)

  • HardCoded
    21 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 5:13 PM


    It happens every year. Early scores go low and then the game tightens up. Players will be chasing that magic number and eating the balls up.; Then a week or so before the end the game loosens up and the talk/fear turns to the cut while last minute, fevervish attempts to qualify assumes control.  

    LOL  Every year.........   :-)

    Yeah i might give it a couple more attempts at the end of the month, but by then the cut will be 18 under im sure.  Very realistic...  Shot Clock!!

  • slipperhero
    18 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 7:08 PM


    A possible fix would be to apply a Shot Clock like on the PGA tour.  Even then the scores are going to be low, but it might help. 


    I love this idea, actually. I'm a 96 player, and have been for the best part of a year, and while i love taking all of ten minutes for that 2 foot slider, I think having a shot clock—say 90 seconds—for the qualifier and the VUSO would make it more competitive. That said, what sets all those plus lvl97 players apart from us mere mortals is repetition—as HardCoded said, it takes forever and more rounds to make it to lvl 97—so I'd expect the same culprits to qualify and fight for the prizes. But hey, a shot clock as an equalizer seems fair enough (even though it involves all kinds of issues involving disconnections, reconnections, etc). Just recall the great fun that was that hardest holes ultra-fast-greens 30sec shot-clock tourney from a month or so back. Great Fun!


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 8:25 AM

    Could be 54, leaning towards 55, but I'm certain that 56 won't make it.

  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 8:36 AM

    a shot clock as an equalizer

    The top players would still shoot similar numbers, its the not so good who'll suffer the more.

    That might bring the cut number down by 3-4 shots if it is 30s clock.