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A few suggestions to battle hacking wgt.

Tue, May 17 2011 10:48 PM (68 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:21 AM

    You have to prove it's  happening first. Like I said in your other attempt,  show me.

    heh, was that intentional Jim?        "show me."       Shommy.

    It has happened before.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:27 AM

    Little different scenario there-he exposed himself. I think what Hoola's after is safeguards to offset that which I think are in place. Shommy was never discovered until he did that but he was also playing at the WGTLS site in a non-tournament game that WGT doesn't verify.

  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:28 AM



    Coming on the heels of digby's post, do you really think the meter will ever change? I doubt it will.


    I agree with you there. Beta releases and free2play perpetual beta games are two separate things entirely. Traditionally beta releases cost money for the company as they have to market and distribute free copies of a game, and the payoff is an official release with less bugs.The latter is a business model of it's own though, with the beta classification being more to avoid litigation and excuse delays in product improvements than it is to actually test and improve the game for a full version or retail release date.



  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:30 AM

    Just a general comment

    You could do all the programming in the world , but you cant tell a program (oh sorry WGT just metered you) 

    If you could right a cheat program for the BS meter we have & the ability to tell the program this hole & the next hole you will have meter spikes or slow meter or the dam thing stopping dead on you during your shot then why you playing a game should be working for the game to fix the dam thing..  

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:32 AM



    heh, was that intentional Jim?        "show me."       Shommy.

    It has happened before.

    Lol, good spot there Andyson. Anyone who doesn't think cheating is present in this game is off their head. Shommy sure as hell isn't/wasn't the only man on the planet willing to cheat to appear to be a good player here. He was however the stupidest cheater on the planet, getting caught out the way he did.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:33 AM

    Now there's a conundrum for you. If the meter isn't going to change then how is this ever going to be not beta? I doubt people would pay for an official release with the meter the way it is but if you correct that then Digby's snapper program comes into play.

    LOL-Is that anything like painting yourself into a corner?   ;-)

  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:48 AM


    Now there's a conundrum for you. If the meter isn't going to change then how is this ever going to be not beta? I doubt people would pay for an official release with the meter the way it is but if you correct that then Digby's snapper program comes into play.

    LOL-Is that anything like painting yourself into a corner?   ;-)


    What's your point Jim? Go troll somewhere else. I think there is a new "this game is bs"  thread that needs your immediate attention.

    Back on topic...If you were playing the game straight up, a "floating" ding bar that varied by a few hundred pixels would have very little to no effect on your game, it would mess up the people that put stickers on their screen for scale i guess maybe. But the fact that it would kill any pixel based, or capture point cheat programs in their tracks seams to me it warrants at least some discussion to anyone truly interested on improving this game's security. If they went a step further and made a specific point for each MAKE of club, that would really throw the cheats back a long time.


  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:53 AM


    Again, don't get upset here because I'm offering a suggestion to improve the security of the game. This is a beta game, and I'm a beta player suggesting ways to improve the game. 

    I completely agree that anybody here has the right, in his/her fair opinion, to propose new features to improve the game. I am sure that WGT appreciates those feedbacks.

    However, there are too many fishy posts about cheating or the lack of honesty/fairness directed towards the best players without any proofs. This is not acceptable in my view.

  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 11:58 AM




    heh, was that intentional Jim?        "show me."       Shommy.

    It has happened before.

    Lol, good spot there Andyson. Anyone who doesn't think cheating is present in this game is off their head. Shommy sure as hell isn't/wasn't the only man on the planet willing to cheat to appear to be a good player here. He was however the stupidest cheater on the planet, getting caught out the way he did.



    Just read up on that episode, thanks for posting. Finding out as much information about cheaters, their methods, and their motives are important when trying to formulate a defense against them (keep your friends close and your enemies closer type thing).And it looks like Mister "prove it" is well aware of it...seeing as he's posted there about it! Wow Jim, you sneaky little troll you.


  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 12:04 PM

    If you can't handle opposing comments then, don't post.  The forum is a place for everyone to be heard (read) not just those who would agree with you.  Thank you Yank for your opinion.  And I couldn't think of a 'nicer' way to make your point.  Bravo!

    In respect to the OP, you should put all that effort into bettering your game.  Maybe you'll even be able to beat a "hacker" or two.

    I will accept any challenge once.  If you jack me, you go on my "do not play" list and I will never waste anymore of my time with you.  End of story.  No worries here.  No stress here.  Just having fun with those who do the same.

    Now, I'm done with you worries, no stress.  Time for more fun.


    Just sayin'...

    d.  :)