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56's on congressional

Sun, May 22 2011 2:43 PM (85 replies)
  • hooks4u2
    416 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 9:31 AM

    would just 1 tour master please stand up for these guys,,,,lol

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 12:32 PM

    In case y'all were wondering..(I know I sure was)....

    Bruges (broozh)       A city of northwest Belgium connected by canal with the North Sea. It was founded in the 9th century and was a leading member of the Hanseatic League in the 13th century. Today the old city is a popular tourist center known as "the City of Bridges." Population: 117,000.

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 12:39 PM


    would just 1 tour master please stand up for these guys,,,,lol

    I'm trying hard, but my best so far is 65....I guess my long iron play is a lil suspect..

    Are the Burner 2.0's that much better than the G10's..?

  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 12:41 PM


    56's are old news now :) lmao nice 1 bb thats rubbing salt into the wound


    still plenty of room to improve...



  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 12:42 PM


    56's are old news now :)


    still plenty of room to improve...


    Maybe WGT will give us all a break  and institute the 10 shot rule...(:o)

  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 12:44 PM


    WGT should introduce a new one, first to 52 wins a 100,000 credits.

    No, but they will sell you the necessary equipment to go to 48

    lol how true anything to make a dollar for them i guess


  • Heisman12
    102 Posts
    Wed, May 18 2011 2:44 PM

    Are the Burner 2.0's that much better than the G10's..?

    Better?  Yes.

    Significantly better?  I don't think so, but I've only got about 10 rounds of use with them so far and am still learning them.

    I'm sticking with the new Burners, as I think they'll be great once I have time to try them out at BPB and Oak, but I'm not sure they are too much of an advantage at Congressional.

    Getting 18 GIR on this course, with these settings, isn't all that difficult.  Putting, as always, is the key to scoring low here.

    I shot a 62 here with the G10's....haven't beaten it yet with the Burners.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 12:33 AM

    Interesting round tonight.  Start off with an ace on 2.  Get a terrible wind/ydg for 2nd shot on 4, no chance of getting it close, missed putt from back fringe. 5 I missed a 7.5 footer, had some decent break to it but still should of made it.  6 I hit 3w from 250 to 5 ft for eagle.  10 I mishit my tee shot and it killed the yardage, came up short just like the first 55, simple holeout again :) 

    15 had another absolutely horrible wind/yardage combination, 190 ^24ft with 3mph sidewind, 190 wasn't making it and no chance a 4i choked down was stopping without a miracle, so that went 24 ft past, dinged putt but barely missed.  17 I hit an ok approach, 6 ft long and left of the pin. It was kind of a tricky read where I couldn't tell if it would break 1" or 1 cup.  Played it on the right edge w/ a fair amount of speed but it still caught the lip on the low side.   Feeling a 54 soon...


  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 3:22 PM

    Got the 54.  Was going great until 11.  235 w/ 7@5, aim about 5 yds left of pin, 2/5 bs, ding and it starts left of my aim, running off way left to 37 feet.  15 had 196 into 5mph, tried to stretch the 205 but barely caught the 40/50 rough just short of the green.  Another yard of carry and its a decent birdie putt.

  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 3:30 PM

    lol...great shooting!!! I kinda wish there was a limit on attempts.  I havent been able to spend much time on this course. While others have over 50 Wait until they have only one shot to shoot low. 

    Anyway, great shooting Bollox