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56's on congressional

Sun, May 22 2011 2:43 PM (85 replies)
  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Sun, May 15 2011 3:36 PM

    hi fans just wanted to say is this the most realistic online golf game on the net anymore? members shooting 56's in the open qualifier and the 62 cut off lmao. a little absurd to me but anyway good luck to those who do qualify. ille keep spending $ and hope one day im up their with you guys and gals

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, May 15 2011 4:16 PM

    Agree. I mentioned this in another topic. The scores are NOT realistic, but again this is not "IRL" either. That being said, the game in general is losing its "as close as real life" reputation very quickly. Whad a ya gunna do. I LOVE the game whatever direction it goes. edge. 

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Sun, May 15 2011 4:59 PM

    I just shot 57 today. :D

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, May 15 2011 5:21 PM

    May I present to you LD the fabulous - #


  • hooks4u2
    416 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 2:14 AM

    I would love to see with my own eyes how someone could shoot those low scores. Would someone please share the cheat with me, or at least have someone video you while your playing the game and post it . That,s 1 instructional video i,d love to have....... sorry if i offended anyones integrity.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 3:39 AM


    I would love to see with my own eyes how someone could shoot those low scores. Would someone please share the cheat with me, or at least have someone video you while your playing the game and post it . That,s 1 instructional video i,d love to have....... sorry if i offended anyones integrity.


    Yes, I'll share...


    Play, play, play.


    There's your cheat.


    You whinny bi tchy babies...geez, I played the course 3 times with starter balls and went 71, 67, 64.


    Whiney ;little babies crying cheat.


    Give me a break.


    Oh...need a tissue?



  • hooks4u2
    416 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 4:26 AM

    guess i hit a nerve ..........ouch  i noticed that we are in the same country club feel free to play in some of my hosted tourney,s and show your skills ...... we play for credits btw

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 5:02 AM

    I would love to see with my own eyes how someone could shoot those low scores.

    I have. Last year's Ryder cup was broadcast by Icon and Nivlac where they were hosting and you got to see how they handled the game. They have the same meter issues as everybody else and it was very enlightening to see them work around it. You got to see the game from their perspective, to include shot selection and swing. It was definitely an education.

    You can see some of the match between Priestess and Claremoreblue here. It's a taped video of the final singles match (starts 10 minutes in.)

    409 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 5:31 AM

    lmmfao  Ya explain to me how the course was open less than  3 hrs and some 1 shot a 56.   gimmie a break.   Again google "perfect meter for wgt"  and tell me what you see.   there you may find out how some players..and i do say some players.   ARE still using softwares.  AND if you think any different.  Your just gullable.  WAKE UP YOU   BLOCKHEADS.  :)     DOC

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2011 5:59 AM


    I would love to see with my own eyes how someone could shoot those low scores. Would someone please share the cheat with me, or at least have someone video you while your playing the game and post it . That,s 1 instructional video i,d love to have....... sorry if i offended anyones integrity.

    Classic! Call em cheaters and hope not to offend anyone!! Moronic!