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50 Air Hugs

Sun, Sep 17 2017 1:25 AM (35 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,702 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 8:08 AM

    Your the guy that was coming back every day for 3 weeks for your Air hugs,, how the hell are you robbo,( that's what he liked to be called, a little nick name if you like)

    I'm pretty darn good! Thanks for asking. You know, you turned my life around. Before your air hugs, I was heading down a dark path of hard drugs, liquor, and smoking.

    Thanks to you, I no longer smoke. :-) 

  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 8:10 AM


    Your the guy that was coming back every day for 3 weeks for your Air hugs,, how the hell are you robbo,( that's what he liked to be called, a little nick name if you like)

    I'm pretty darn good! Thanks for asking. You know, you turned my life around. Before your air hugs, I was heading down a dark path of hard drugs, liquor, and smoking.

    Thanks to you, I no longer smoke. :-) 


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 8:52 AM

    Okay now I'm confused...I can use air Nobb or Nobb head?  Or am I to take the air out of my head?

    If the latter, it's gonna take a while...

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 9:04 AM

    The first 50 players to send me a pack of L33 callaways will in return get 1 Air hug.


    OK, I fell for your 100,000 credits to buy your way up to Master or Legend or whatever it was joke, but I'm going to call your bluff on this one.

    Please don't promise players the warm and fuzzies if you can't follow through, because as everyone knows...air hugs are the best! :) lmao!

    Golf balls sent (just in case).



  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 9:11 AM

    Okay now I'm confused...I can use air Nobb or Nobb head?  Or am I to take the air out of my head?

    You can have Nobb and do as you like with its  your call but I own Air, all of it and no one is allowed to use it ever again,,are we clear on that. You want a Air hug or what?. send me the goodies and I give you warm fuzzy feeling inside.Simple.

  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 9:16 AM

    Please don't promise players the warm and fuzzies if you can't follow through, because as everyone knows...air hugs are the best! :) lmao!

    I always follow through with my warm fuzzy Air hugs, and your right they are the best but I'm an expert and only I know how to give that really deep warm fuzzy feeling inside you. I'm fuzzing inside you right now. Nice and warm am I right .

  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 9:28 AM

                                  The warm fuzzy Air hugs members List.

    No 1-Robert1893- I thank you, right now I'm giving you a warm fuzzy Air hug

    No 2-mrcaddie-     I thank you, right now I'm giving you a warm fuzzy Air hug

    Hurry up folks as places are very limited only 48 spots left. You don't want the guys above to have all the warm fuzzy fuzzieness just for them selfs do you.

    Image result for warm and fuzzy air hugs

  • Robert1893
    7,702 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 9:48 AM

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 10:02 AM

    right not

    Please tell me that's a typo and it should read "right NOW"...because right now, I don't feel anything.


  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Sat, Sep 16 2017 10:12 AM


    right not

    Please tell me that's a typo and it should read "right NOW"...because right now, I don't feel anything.


    So So sorry guys I got over excited and did a typo, For that I have sent you all extra warm and very fuzzy Air hugs, And as it was my error I will be sending you a Air hug every day this week to make up for it. I hope by now you can feel me fuzzing away inside you and making you feel nice and warm.

    Image result for warm and fuzzy air hugs