I was just browsing through the forum and came across this post. I am amazed at the vitriol poured out over two guys who are just giving their heartfelt opinion which everyone is entitled to. You may not agree with the content (which I do not) but you don't have to beat them up over it ffs.
I believe players on here can get that good to shoot in mid 50's fairly, why not? Some people are just naturally talented at things like this, add to that hrs and hrs of practice and you are going to better than the average player. I'm not sure that a cheat program could enable a player to shoot those scores, taking into account the many variables in the game.
I do however sympathise with the problems with the glitches within the game, I'm sure WGT are working hard to find solutions to them. This game with it's social networking capabilities allied to the great game of golf could be much more of a money-spinner without the glitches it has.
I play this game for fun and for the social side. I'm lucky enough to belong to a CC that's brilliant, where else can you have a chat whilst playing 9-holes at St Andrews with someone the other side of the world? We have a forum that allows freedom of speech and everyone's opinion is welcomed.
So come on people show some courtesy, agree to disagree and move on without any name calling and such, we are supposed to be grown-ups not adolescents in streetgangs.