Well as far as i am concerned this wgt site has its winners and its losers. It is kinda like tic tac who the only way to win is not to play!
My personal experience i just finished loosing 2 Callaway balls on the first hole of St. Andrews. I am currently at level 80 and at master, i was looking for some good scores to advance to tour master. I restarted after the first attempt on the 2nd hole . Then my meter jumped on the T shot and i hit into the water, and i restarted again. I hit my T shot agian and this time the meter froze just as i clicked the mouse and i ended up in the water again on the opposite side. About that time i almost had a heart attack my blood pressure went so high.
It seems that when i have had good games -5 or -6 i was rolling in putts that i thought shouldn't have gone in. Then there are those games no matter what i do I suck.
It is my opinion as an individual with an relatively high IQ , that there is absolutely no skill involved in this game. You score good when wgt wants you too and when they wish to they cause a not so good game. I am sure they are trying to simulate real golf, but my real golf game doesn't suffer like that, i am pretty consistent.
I believe that those meter issues are part of the programming. Some games i hit the DING consistently and some games i couldn't hit it no matter what. I am not off that bad, my hand eye coordination is most excellent. I have won many pool tournaments and many dart league competitions.Horse shoes, quarters , washers, Frisbee doesn't matter good at it all and have 2 boys that grew up playing video games with me.
I really wish that the meter was more realistic so that when screw ups happen i feel like it was my fault. Butt, since that is probably not going to happen, I think i give up ass well.
See ya dumbasses.