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Sun, Jun 5 2011 7:33 PM (65 replies)
  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 12:00 AM

    Well said Jalabar.



    As to the OP......leave or shut the **** up already.


    Everyone else has to put up with the same wgt game as everyone else......some are better at it than others.   

  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 12:24 AM

    Jalabar, the man is entitled to his opinion - even if it is skewered and grates against yours. 

    He has put forward his opinion in an educated manner, why do you have to take him to task in a rude manner? Does being a part of a pack make you feel important?

    Funny enough, the very people this poster is calling out are not (and do not need to) defending themselves, however Dad's army surely comes out at every opportunity. 

    You make all those fortune cookies statements about basketball etc., are you sure your jesus looks didn't go to your head and think that at 30 years of age you know everything?

    Well done mate, probably you are a legend at this game, your life is fulfilled.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 1:04 AM

    As stated elsewhere....  if you think someone is cheating, you have two choices.

    Prove it, or 



    Otherwise you're just whining.

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 1:19 AM


    Yes, you do need to man up.

    Lemme ask you, do you shoot basketball?  I do.  I have been since I was 7 years old.  nearly 40 years.  Lebron James has been playing a lot less time than Ihave, yet he is infinitely better.  I assume it is because he cheats.

    No, the fact is that you and othersare whining about cheating because... now listen closely... you just aren't as good as the top players at this.  So, rather than take a realistic look in the mirror, you throw stones.  Easier to cast aspersions on others than to be a man.

    Einstein cheated at math.

    Jonas Salk cheated at chemistry.

    Carl Sagan cheated at space.

    Davinci cheated at art.

    Michael Jordan cheated at basketball.

    Babe Ruth cheated at baseball.

    Megan Fox cheats at hotness.

    Martin Luther King cheated at oratory.

    These are all people that are or were better at what they do than you are.  They must be cheaters.


    So yeah, you were told to man up because a man accepts his shortycomings and tries to improve ion them.  He doesn't blame others for what he lacks.

    Well said

  • Iamdxtrmn8r
    4 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 5:20 AM

    Well as far as i am concerned this wgt site has its winners and its losers. It is kinda like tic tac who the only way to win is not to play!

    My personal experience i just finished loosing 2 Callaway balls on the first hole of St. Andrews. I am currently at level 80 and at master, i was looking for some good scores to advance to tour master. I restarted after the first attempt on the 2nd hole . Then my meter jumped on the T shot and i hit into the water, and i restarted again. I hit my T shot agian and this time the meter froze just as i clicked the mouse and i ended up in the water again on the opposite side. About that time i almost had a heart attack my blood pressure went so high.

    It seems that when i have had good games -5 or -6 i was rolling in putts that i thought shouldn't have gone in. Then there are those games no matter what i do I suck.

    It is my opinion as an individual with an relatively high IQ , that there is absolutely no skill involved in this game. You score good when wgt wants you too and when they wish to they cause a not so good game. I am sure they are trying to simulate real golf, but my real golf game doesn't suffer like that, i am pretty consistent.

    I believe that those meter issues are part of the programming. Some games i hit the DING consistently and some games i couldn't hit it no matter what. I am not off that bad, my hand eye coordination is most excellent. I have won many pool tournaments and many dart league competitions.Horse shoes, quarters , washers, Frisbee doesn't matter good at it all and have 2 boys that grew up playing video games with me.

    I really wish that the meter was more realistic so that when screw ups happen i feel like it was my fault. Butt, since that is probably not going to happen, I think i give up ass well.

    See ya dumbasses.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 6:42 AM

    Jalabar, the man is entitled to his opinion - even if it is skewered and grates against yours. 

    You know what they say about opinions........

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 8:14 AM

    it is my opinion as an individual with an relatively high IQ ,

    If  you have to tell people this and after reading your uni-bomber like, incoherent and bragging post I can guarantee it is not as high as you would like to assume. I would gather the most common phrase you speak at work is "Would you like fries with that?"

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 8:46 AM


    Well as far as i am concerned this wgt site has its winners and its losers. It is kinda like tic tac who the only way to win is not to play!

    My personal experience i just finished loosing 2 Callaway balls on the first hole of St. Andrews. I am currently at level 80 and at master, i was looking for some good scores to advance to tour master. I restarted after the first attempt on the 2nd hole . Then my meter jumped on the T shot and i hit into the water, and i restarted again. I hit my T shot agian and this time the meter froze just as i clicked the mouse and i ended up in the water again on the opposite side. About that time i almost had a heart attack my blood pressure went so high.

    It seems that when i have had good games -5 or -6 i was rolling in putts that i thought shouldn't have gone in. Then there are those games no matter what i do I suck.

    It is my opinion as an individual with an relatively high IQ , that there is absolutely no skill involved in this game. You score good when wgt wants you too and when they wish to they cause a not so good game. I am sure they are trying to simulate real golf, but my real golf game doesn't suffer like that, i am pretty consistent.

    I believe that those meter issues are part of the programming. Some games i hit the DING consistently and some games i couldn't hit it no matter what. I am not off that bad, my hand eye coordination is most excellent. I have won many pool tournaments and many dart league competitions.Horse shoes, quarters , washers, Frisbee doesn't matter good at it all and have 2 boys that grew up playing video games with me.

    I really wish that the meter was more realistic so that when screw ups happen i feel like it was my fault. Butt, since that is probably not going to happen, I think i give up ass well.

    See ya dumbasses.

    another idiot.

    i've probably forgotten more when i'm sleeping than you'll ever learn awake.

    i'd be surprised if you have an iq greater than your post count you idiotic knob-end.


  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 8:46 AM


    Einstein cheated at math.

    Jonas Salk cheated at chemistry.

    Carl Sagan cheated at space.

    Davinci cheated at art.

    Michael Jordan cheated at basketball.

    Babe Ruth cheated at baseball.

    Megan Fox cheats at hotness.

    Martin Luther King cheated at oratory


    of course no-one has cheated in these fields ever since!

    just sayin.....its a little naive to think no-body does...every other on-line game has ppl who will bend the rules, what makes WGT so special?

    its in our nature to cheat...its called an ego!!!

    sayin that, i could not care less...i dont play for credits....just for fun, A/S being the funniest of all!

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 9:04 AM

    2. How come they NEVER have a bad score? a bad day? I know I do. Their scores are consistent, and have not wavered as far back as WGT will let me look. To get a 54, you have to average 3 strokes per hole for 18 holes. Essentially that means a birdie on every hole. Sorry, you cannot convince me, nor the average golfer on this site, that this happens without some sort of aid.


    Well, I was in a RG yesterday, after it was closed I looked at the posted scores, BiB had a WD, that means BiB's score, whether he was at +5 or -2...would not post anywhere.  I've seen the same thing with the other upper end players as well. Pretty much tells me they either want to win or go home.

    Also, they have no incentive to finish a round if they start the first 4 holes even..why?  Because all they want to do is post as good, or better than they have, hence the reason you won't see the top players posting 71's, or 35's....even in RG's...why?  Because they have amassed enough credits beforehand that they don't feel like wasting another 10 minutes to post a 34 which might get them 16 credits back.

    I recall the live feed match with Iconian (WGTIcon) BiB and AvatarLee, Iconian hosted the match so we could watch it, what we were able to watch was just as we were sitting in front of his monitor..he had 22K+ credits, what;s the incentive for him to post a 35 and get back nothing, or just a few credits?