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Thu, Jun 23 2011 10:45 AM (27 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:17 PM

    WTH WGT, start out 4 birdies in a row and the the game goes to hell. This is not bad shots, missing the meter, the wind, the greens, it is total BS. 2 ft putts all missing by .02 or lipping out. Get the F real. I have played way to many games and spent way too much money on here for this crap. For the people shooting perfect games good for you, play real like I do. There I said it, I am frustrated and take it for what it's worth, come back with all ya want to, I will not believe for one second any more that practice  and notes and whatever will let an honest player get to the top on this game. To any of my upper tier friends, if I have offended you I apologize, but this is total nonsense, I have tried to hard, too many times for this to happen every time. Come on with the just quit or whatever you want to say, you know who you are and what you use to play this game. Shame on you.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:31 PM

    i'm not in your league as a player so i do not know why you are having so much difficulity.  checked your profile it looks like all the equipment nrcessary to do well is at "hand".   nobody cheats, except for the double dippers.  if it were possiable to acquire a way to do better by a program, don't you think WGT would be rife with them?  i don't think that is the case.  cool off, drink a beer? whatever, come back to play me or with me in a round some afternoon.  leave a post on my profile.  my nickel.....




  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:39 PM

    All of your stats are pretty bad, do you attempt to learn anything from putts instead of whining about it?


    Why bother to continue to play if the game is more frustrating than fun?  I can't imagine paying money to do something on a nearly daily basis that pissed me off to the point where I feel the need to cry about it weekly in the forums.

    If you want I will play a round with you, most likely will just leave the chat box closed so I don't have to listen to you *** about every shot though.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:45 PM

    I never used the C word and never will. I don't think that is the issue. I would never accuse any of the top players on here of C------. There just has to more to this than playing 2000 rounds and memorizing every shot on every course. I have played way more than my 500 plus rounds shown on my profile and it just does not improve, that is why I made the comments I did. I have had more than 50 stroke play games in the last 3 weeks that I was 5-6 under par and then it just went south. Believe it or not it was not my shooting, I did not suddenly go blind or get drunk in 2 mins. The game totally changed. I had to drop all of those games because a good legend friend on here told me if I  kept all the over par rounds I would never get any wheres on here. Well I still can't.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:52 PM

    I would greatly appreciate your instruction Bollox if you could humble yourself just a hair. I don't cry on here weekly, really haven't complained much at all lately, in fact I have been quite humorous on most of my posts, but You are the first to spank  me. I made it clear I accuse no one of the C word but you obviously were offended by something.

  • ryan4spurs
    828 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:53 PM

    What else apart from memorizing this game would help you play and score better?

    The more familiar with each course you are, the better you will score. You learn how much the wind effects the ball. Where to aim to get a more favourable bounce. Where to put the ball on the green that will maximise your chance of making the putt, and I don't mean putting the approach to 3 feet haha.

    This GAME still has the 1 real link to playing golf for real. The more you play, the higher chance you have of getting better. It is kind of obvious that the higher percentage of your best real life scores would be at the club in which you are a member or have played the most. That would probably be because you've had the most chance to memorize the course and which shot you need to play on each given occasion.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 5:58 PM

    I don't really care if you accuse me of cheating or not, would be the 1000th time on here.  Know what's funny, its all people that have no clue how to play the game.  Kind of odd that none of the hundreds of people I've played with have made any accusations?

    Like I said I'll play with you and point out all the mistakes you are making, if you don't want to that is certainly fine with me too.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:02 PM

    For the people shooting perfect games good for you, play real like I do. There I said it, I am frustrated
    FWIW you accused them of cheating.. right there.. 

    And most, if I'm not mistaken, will also realize (as you do) that this post is out of frustration.  Just a vent.   They won't take you to the woodshed.... well... not seriously anyway.

    Have a beer, take a break.  Hell.. take several breaks.

    Whatever gets you right... this is supposed to be a game.  Games are supposed to be fun.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:05 PM

    My point exactly, don't misunderstand my post please, I am saying that it does not work near the same each time, I do try to hit the same area on drives within a ft or less, it just does not repeat itself. I don't for one second think I am singled out by WGT. I'm just saying that this game is very inconsistent with how each shot works whether you repeat it the same or not, I have hit the same spots many times, same wind and same shot and it can be a difference of 2 ft or 20 yrds. The putts are a whole new ball game, one time 2 inches down will go 6 ft past, the next time same spot within a hair will come up .02 short. I just want to know how you keep notes on that.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:12 PM

    I will apologize again, I never accused anyone of cheating, just said there must be something I haven't out figured out, only venting and asking for help. Good Gracious guys. My best 2 friends on here are legends and they can't figure it all out. Please give me an outline of what to say or not say on my next post. Did not have any intentions of getting any one all fired up here.