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Thu, Jun 23 2011 10:45 AM (27 replies)
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 5:28 PM

    Patience, grasshopper.


  • TinCup1956
    451 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 5:42 PM

    I've been set in my place. My apologies to those I have offended. On more than one occasion during my 50+ years, I have stuck this size 10 1/2 size shoe in my mouth. After playing WGT for going on two years now. I have come to the conclusion that there are better players out there than me. My 63.1 average indicates I play well on occasion, but I seldom if ever score in the low 60's every game.

    My frustration stems from the players who have just started playing. The 58's that I see from someone that is a hack? I'll never understand that, and I probably never will. Call it beginners luck I guess. I won't ever use the "C" word again. 

    Again my apologies to those great Legend players. They deserve what they've practiced for all this time since the inception of WGT.

    For all intents and purposes, one of my friends here on WGT reminded me, "TinCup," he said. "It's just a game. Who cares?" Now I have the right philosophy. It's just a GAME.

    Good luck to all those in the Virtual Championships.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 5:57 PM

    I've been set in my place. My apologies to those I have offended.
    Really?  I don't see anything from you in this thread..  offending or otherwise.

    Unless you've posted under an alias... but we all know that's not kosher.

    The Hacks who shoot 58s are not using cheat software, they are multiple account holders... which is worse.


  • TinCup1956
    451 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 6:25 PM

    I couldn't find my original post on the matter. It doesn't really matter, because I admit that I was wrong on accusing people of cheating. The blogs that I had read concerning cheating got me all fired up for no good reason. 

    I should have just left well enough alone. From now on that's what I intend to do.


  • TinCup1956
    451 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 6:31 PM

    Here it is Snaike: this is what I originally wrote.

    It's all for fun. At the end of the day we can get a good night of sleep knowing we played without the aid of a cheat program.

    Signed a 63.14 Tour Master and 2 year player

  • RickBarenes
    215 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 6:18 AM



     I'll play with you and point out all the mistakes you are making,


    Ready when you are coach.Ill play a round with you in about a month or if u need practice on a course ill hit a few with you drop me a line

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 7:43 AM

    I would be more that gratefull for a putting lesson,

    This is one of the most bizarre situations I've seen in a while. G's game up to within 3 feet of the cup is coming along nicely, he executes the right shots. BUT--put him 3 feet away from the cup and it's a 50-50 proposition of him making it. This is compounded by the fact that his long putts are distance on but off aim, always in gimme range.This guy borks gimmes and for the life of me I cannot figure out why he does or how to fix it.

    He will be a TM as soon as he fixes that but I'm lost as to how to help him. :-(

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 10:45 AM

    I know someone that had that problem, and went to a longer meter to give more time to prepare to ding after release.