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How The hell is Anyone Supposed To Have A Fair Chance

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Sat, Apr 11 2015 8:06 AM (107 replies)
  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 5:01 PM


    For instance look at the Legend competition for this weeks unlimited 9 hole at Kiawah...there's 14 people sitting at -9

    Small precision a bit off topic. The final standing was 1 player at -10 and 16 players at -9. But the reason for such massive low scores is that, first of all, the course is rather easy and above all we were shooting from Master/Tour Master tee. So approach shots on most par 4 were done with wedge and for par 5, the green can be reached with two shots with possible eagles or at least easy birdie (so only par 3 remains challenging). Otherwise, when unlimited tournament are from legend tee and/or when this is a harder course there is no so much low scores. So this was a bit exceptional this time.



  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 6:28 PM

    Well, since it's too hard for anyone to beleive that there are cheaters out there, here's what we outta do(WGT that is) 1, repeat ONE shot at qualifying. 4 day tourneys (like the PGA) thursday,fri. sat. sun. And that's it. easy fix and the really good players don't have 150 shots at posting outrageous scores. then maybe we wont have 3/4 of the players on this site hollerin' cheat. The most times I can take a shot at a qualifying round is way under a hundred, maybe around 40 or somewhere in that neighborhood, if I don't get it by then, I just aint gonna get it! But if I'm playing a round where the other players all have only one shot then my odds of making the cut substantially rise or even, heaven forbid..... maybe win a tournament! Wouldn't that shake things up! For everyone of us, winners and losers! And WGT would not have to put up with alot of folks ranting about cheaters. As a matter of fact, we should all of us petition WGT to make this the way all tourneys are run from now on. Everyone who reads this should email WGT and tell them that we request that all tourneys be run just like the PGA. And silence the critics(of which I'm one) once and for all.Anyone who argues this point is just dead wrong, Because it benefits them too! This would (quite possibly) eliminate the accusations of elitism also, and would make the better players seem more honest(not that they aren't). I would much rather lose to someone who didn't play the tourney 2-100 times more than me. Think about it, just think for one minute about it.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 7:08 PM


    Well, since it's too hard for anyone to beleive that there are cheaters out there, here's what we outta do(WGT that is) 1, repeat ONE shot at qualifying. 4 day tourneys (like the PGA) thursday,fri. sat. sun. And that's it. easy fix and the really good players don't have 150 shots at posting outrageous scores. then maybe we wont have 3/4 of the players on this site hollerin' cheat. The most times I can take a shot at a qualifying round is way under a hundred, maybe around 40 or somewhere in that neighborhood, if I don't get it by then, I just aint gonna get it! But if I'm playing a round where the other players all have only one shot then my odds of making the cut substantially rise or even, heaven forbid..... maybe win a tournament! Wouldn't that shake things up! For everyone of us, winners and losers! And WGT would not have to put up with alot of folks ranting about cheaters. As a matter of fact, we should all of us petition WGT to make this the way all tourneys are run from now on. Everyone who reads this should email WGT and tell them that we request that all tourneys be run just like the PGA. And silence the critics(of which I'm one) once and for all.Anyone who argues this point is just dead wrong, Because it benefits them too! This would (quite possibly) eliminate the accusations of elitism also, and would make the better players seem more honest(not that they aren't). I would much rather lose to someone who didn't play the tourney 2-100 times more than me. Think about it, just think for one minute about it.

    You have no clue.    Just cause the top players don't have 100 cracks at qualifier don't mean crap.  So they play one round in qualifier and post 62, 9 times out of 10 you are still not going to qualify.  Do you get that?    

    Do you get what the qualifier is?   Its practice, I posted 56 after about 10 tries, but I still keep playing, I don't affect the cut what so ever, cause its not likely going below 57.     So if I post lower its cause I am practising.   It didn't take me 150 rounds to get to 56, nor did it likely for the other players at 56 or below it.   

    These guys are good, and once they go low, they don't affect the cut one bit.   The top 156+ ties are in the championship cause they are good, it doesn't matter if they play it once or 150 times,     you still don't have a chance in hell at winning!




  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 8:09 PM
    did you not read my post or are you just trying to pick an argument? this will benefit you too, it's you who has on clue, you didn't do it in 1 try did you? I'm saying if they do it in 1 try, fine! but not 150 (example). Qualifying is not practice, change it WGT is what I'm saying, practice is practice, qualifying is qualifying, tournament play is tournament play. These guys are not only good they're great, if they get 50(again example) more tries than I do! Did you miss that day of math class, somebody get s 1 - 5 - 10 -or 50 more shots at someting, the chances are that they will do better than you, common sense man! If they only get 1 shot at it, say they shoot a 64. Wow!!!! that sure changes the odds!! Don't it!? All of a sudden" you my friend" have a better shot at making the cut or finishing at a respectable margin back, and not buried in their dust! If it works for the PGA, why won't it work here? So it does affect the cut, considering that players won't be hammering away at the course over and over again until they drive down the cut line till only the players who can spend that kind of time at their computers are the ones who make the cuts. Banging away at a course until the cut is 56 is an insult to the game of golf and the men who design these courses. I remember this is a comp game, but it is the game. This will help to eliminate some of the chants of cheating and eliteism or favoritism. Not all of it but some.Hey if a player goes and shoots lights out on their first shot at qualifying, that's great! What the heck, good show! I'm all for that! But after 10 tries, it's not real anymore and that is the root of the problem people have with some of our top players here. Once I say all players who think this is a viable answer should contact WGT and let them know what you think. If you listen to guys like Bogey here, nothing will change, nothing!! You and I will never have a shot at qualifying and or winning anything on here. The same guys will just keep winning it all, and we'll keep saying "Wow I wish I could play like that". when in reality our opponents are getting twice sometime three times the ammount of tries than we are! and maybe nothing will change and we'll all still be beat. But at least we'll have had a chance. As it is right now, we don't have a snowballs chance in hell! So contact WGT let them know that something needs to be done.
  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 8:21 PM

    what don't you get?   yes 6 weeks of qualifying might be a lot.    

    But on your first try 9/10 you will shoot 80, these guys low 60's.  

    So you might get in if the 156th ranked player has a bad day.  Your not getting in cause bollox or jake has a bad day, cause their bad day is your best score on 18.   You yourself doesn't have a chance in h e double hockey sticks of winning this period, It doesn't  matter how the qualifying process is ran.    Its not the elite banging the cut down, its the people outside the cut doing so.    

    Anyways, enjoy your time on WGT, its all about the fun.



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 8:22 PM

    Someone mentioned it before, but you have to keep in mind (my guess) is that the open quals are unlimited because the course just came out.

    Kinda would like to see the course open for practice for say a week, then a limited number of qual opportunities.


    But regardless, it most likely won't happen, IIRC there were over 2million qual rounds played for the V-USOpen, do some math and figure out how many credits were spent on balls...just on completed rounds.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 8:29 PM

    when in reality our opponents are getting twice sometime three times the ammount of tries than we are!


    See, here's where I can disagree with you.  If some guys have the time to play 10 hours a day, why should they be penalized because others can only play 30 minutes a day?


    Equate it to RL Golf, when Mickelson family was going throughsome tough times (his wife and mohter) he devoted a lot of time to family and minimal time to practice and work on his game.

    His player ranking dropped, he missed a cut or two, didn't win a tourney (raely placed in the top 10) for a long time.

    Should all the other pros stopped practicing and working on their game because Phil couldn't?

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 5:01 AM

    Iukine,On my first ever round on R.S.G i scored 60, my second round i scored 57, i havn't even bothered playing more qualifiers than that (only challenge matches there) and i don't feel i'm as good as the top players( yet), so if you say you don't qualify in 40 go's, and there's a lot more than me scoring better than me, what difference would limiting the qualifiers, you STILL WOULD NOT QUALIFY!!As there are players here who can shoot good scores whatever the weather....

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 5:21 AM

    IMO, iukine has a legitimate gripe and bogey has a legitimate answer. This isn't about whether or not iukine could qualify but his having a sporting chance is more like it. I too find it very frustrating to compare this year's Opens with last year's. The conditions are much easier and the scores are surreal. I have a snowball's chance in hell of Q'ing and I have all the good equipment and time to play. I'm just not that dedicated or focused but that's just me. For those that do, congratulations on your achievement. For those like me, I empathize. WGT is in this to make come coin and grow so if my not qualifying because of the way WGT set it up is furthering their agenda I say good for them.

    Personally, I'd like to see some sort of compromise but don't really have a good way to do it. There were some really good suggestions in another thread about how it could go down so maybe WGT will give them heed for next year. In the meantime iukine and I can hang at the 19th hole and cry into our beers. At least WGT is succeeding and we have a nice assortment of courses to play.  Aloha, iukine.  ;-)

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 8:13 AM

    I have not played as long as some of you guys, but I got really excited when the US Open came up, I had just made Master Tier a few days before the Q started, tried my hand at it and shot 82.  Next time shot 71, then really got stuck in but only managed to get down to a 63.  The cut line and lower scores just galvanised me to try harder, level up and get better equipment (playing Congressional with Rapture driver was not much fun).

    When St Georges came up, I shot a 66 first time out, and thought I could really play this course better.  Played and played and played, recording every approach shot and most putts for future ref, shot a career best of 59 (when the cut was 58), then made the cut at 58.  That lasted about a week, then the cut moved down to 57.  

    Only thing to do was try out some more - was despairing of ever making it, but today managed my best ever - a 56 (with a stupid double drop on 8th), no lip outs and meter was well behaved and my click finger was on form.  

    Low scores just made me try harder - read the forum and realised that practice is the way to do it, plus keep copious notes.  

    I only get to play maybe twice a day - but low scores are certainly possible, some people give up when faced with seemingly insurmountable difficulty - and some persevere.  Those that give up, complain.  

    So - get out there and make some putts, just have fun - it is a game after all.......