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How The hell is Anyone Supposed To Have A Fair Chance

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Sat, Apr 11 2015 8:06 AM (107 replies)
  • Dichotomy37
    75 Posts
    Fri, Jul 8 2011 9:30 PM



    just hard for me to fathom someone getting a birdie on each hole on average

    if the guys played a 100 rounds....he's bound to hit a good round and score 18 under and that's the one he'll post.

    all the other 99 which might have been 58's or 61's he'll not even bother finishing.

    so in effect you're only seeing his best round out of 100 tries.



    This X 10

    I'm nowhere near that good but I've shut down literally hundreds of games when I just didn't have it that day or had something come up in a round.  I haven't competed much in the tourneys because I'm still learning this and that and working up to the clubs I want, then learning them, then hopefully getting good enough to be competitive.

    I know what I shoot and, if some day, somebody feels the need to 'cheat' to beat me.  Well that's a mark on their character not mine. 

    That and I make a heck of a lot more money in four hours than I will spend on this game in a year. 

    Awards are cool.  Respect of your peers or, in this case, the other players (who have put in the time to get good and are class people) means more to me than what I will ever 'win' playing it. 

    And, of course, never forget that no matter how good you are at anything there's always somebody who might have a better day than you. 

    That holds true in everything from bouncing to board meetings.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 2:40 AM


    just hard for me to fathom someone getting a birdie on each hole on average

    That's better Itaph... sending messages in upper case means your SHOUTING out load, which is not 

    Have a look at my profile page.. posted my best scorecards on there and you can see, one day with lots and lots of games under your belt, one day you too can shoot scores like this.

    I should mention too, I'm far from being one of the Elite golfers we have now, but I'm working on it :)



  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Jul 9 2011 9:16 PM

    I'd like to add, if the top players are cheating, why do I see WD's by thier name in a few of the RG's I enter?

    I'm sure they are just pizzing off a 100 credits "to throw you off" ;)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,578 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 8:38 PM

    It is amusing that many of the players on WGT who don't work hard on their games or haven't played near as many games as the top players are the very ones that complain about not being able to compete.

    I am a Legend, but not even close to see of the better players.  I couldn't care less about my scoring average and you find that is true among most of the Legends, we don't gain anything by protecting our average, look at the other tiers to find this problem and the other problem of the sandbagging by being a pro or master forever.

    If you look at your local country club with 500 players, you will find the same thing.  There are a group of 50 people who you can't beat, not because they have better equipment, or they are cheating but because they are better than you.  The solution to this in the local clubs is flighting stroke play tournaments and doing the same for match play tournaments to keep the talent level even.

    Then there is the local handicap tournaments at the clubs, guess who has no chance of winning these, the best players of course.  They get no strokes, can't sandbag because they have scratch handicaps and sign up and smile and play the game.  On WGT it is the same....the Legends play from tees that you can't even see on slick greens and just do their best.  Maybe that is how all of us should play.

  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Sun, Jul 10 2011 10:51 PM

    love being an Americans get so cut up over a game
    love being an Americans get so cut up over a game
     totally agree! not all but some and seems admin only care for their own

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 3:02 AM

    I found this about cheat software for wgt:

    Cheating Software


    Over the years there have been various claims that people have been using software to cheat on WGT. However the fact is that even if you do have some kind of software, it is impossible to cheat properly. There are to many variables involved in the game to come up with a way of beating the system. Some people claim to have used a programme that slows the meter right down, even if this was the case, hitting the ‘ding’ on every shot would not guarantee a good score. Other software can select the correct club and work out the distances for you, but again you need some skill and ability to know where to aim your shot.

    Chances are some people have come up with some cheats for WGT. There are even things online that say you can download certain tools to help you cheat. But realistically the only way you are going to score well on World Golf Tour is if you practice. When you see some of the scores some players hit you assume they must be cheating, but when you play for long enough you realise that shooting such low scores is very possible. Although cheating does sometimes happen on World Golf Tour it does not really affect the game in a big way. WGT are always working to eliminate anyone found cheating and they work very hard to make sure the game is fair and just.

    And to everyone who are complaining about people scoring low, Go & PLAY THE KETTLE VODKA TOURNAMENT, you might get scores to feel your mixing it with the best of us, and then might stop whinning about people bloody cheating.

    And might be used to childish cheat codes for your or playstation.  Are games to hard for you to figure out??  Ahhhhhhhh didums, but your only kidding yourself by even thinking about them. PRACTICE MORE.


  • Hackmore
    41 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 8:15 AM

    Look folks, I play every day 4 -5 times a day, I just shot a damn 58 on Royal St George only to find out the cut line moved to 57. That's frustrating to me as well, I see both sides of the arguement I missed the cut by 1 stroke in Congressional also, but hey, I guess I'm still in Q-School or on the Nationwide tour in my abilities. My suggestion as a person who's spent a lot of money on this site, "Don't get angry, get better!"

  • TarheelsRule
    5,578 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 3:09 PM

    I was in the same position.  I had logged a 58 in RSG and saw the cut line move to 57.  I sat down and put together one of my best rounds ever and logged a 54, including 14 birdies in a row.

    I am usually am the cut line, made it every time but it is always close.

  • mrenn29
    380 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 3:56 PM


    you have to remember....those unlimited tourneys, folks will grind them till they hit the perfect round just like Bib's done to hit the 52.

    some folks will play these unlimited's 100 times till they get it right.

    Which is kind of dumb if you ask me cause the payout is minimal considering the cost of balls.Wouldnt make sense to play it more than twice.Just my opinion.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jul 11 2011 4:53 PM



    you have to remember....those unlimited tourneys, folks will grind them till they hit the perfect round just like Bib's done to hit the 52.

    some folks will play these unlimited's 100 times till they get it right.


    Which is kind of dumb if you ask me cause the payout is minimal considering the cost of balls.Wouldnt make sense to play it more than twice.Just my opinion.

    i suppose for some it ain't about the's about hitting the flawless round.

    i get bored playing them more than a couple of times.

    congrats on your open win by the way....way cool.
