I got one the other day, but havent seen a popup offer since. Does anyone know if there is something we need to do to improve our chances of seeing it?
I just got my second one, when I was down to one dove ball. I had one as a carryover from the last promotion. I think it may now be tied into the last ball indicator so you get another when you only have one left. That way they can't be stockpiled.
As for why the US gets them and no one else. It is probably becaus the US division of DOVE is using their marketing funds to pay for this with WGT. If the other countries want to participate, rather than boycotting DOVE, they should be sending the company in their country an email showing them that advertising in WGT would be efffective.
With all the problems we in the US have, we are still the largest consumer market in the world for things like WGT and consumer goods. There is a DOVE UK division too. Maybe they are the ones that don't think their consumer base is worth the effort.