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Big Brother

Thu, Oct 6 2011 3:59 AM (164 replies)
  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 8:09 AM

    Ok, great Job WGT on the courses, the game play, the equipment,the updates and just about all there is to do with this game.


    I think someone there has a major case of the paranoias. Is it not about time we moved on from churlish acts of banning people from the forums, those who dare to have an opinion that doesn't fit well with the company line, or heaven forbid, other members?

    The very fact that we have a forum implies, nay guarantees that we will have conflict of interests and rightly so, but is that not the very stuff of life itself?  Were we to have everything sanitised to a particular bodies satisfaction, is that in itself not an act of terrorism visited upon the membership?

    I may be alone here and if so, too bad, but I believe in myself and my sense of justice and as such will exercise my point perhaps to the time of my own extinction, but that will not change my view and nor will it compensate anyone for the loss. So come on Wgt, see beyond the little picture, grow some balls and re-instate those forever banished for no other reason than a controversial misdemeanour deemed so exotically gross as to be beyond the memberships ability to see it for what it is, and furthermore, enjoy the salacious debate thus engendered.

    We can probably all live without cheaper balls clubs and equipment, we can all live with supposed VEM and shots awry, but we should not and never ever ought to be denied freedom of speech. Should we.

    Lizzie xx

  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 8:43 AM

    I may be alone here

    You are not alone here Lizzie.

    And it is past time that we let people like Mio back on the forums. He and others have a very real passion for this game and the community that was born of this great endeavor.

    To be passionate means that he wishes for it to succeed, did he commit murder? FFS, even a real criminal serves their time and is given their freedom eventually. WGT, don't think for a minute that other members in good standing don't see this as a strong negative and find it badly in need of a policy change. Oh and BTW, your silence will speak volumes.


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 8:56 AM

    Bump. (now that I learned what bump means) I'm not letting this thread be buried with innanities.

    Lizzie xx

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 9:20 AM


  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 9:21 AM


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 9:38 AM


    This was my point. The keepers of Guantanamo/ Azkerban/ Stalag Wgt need to be a little less anal about incarcerations of voices and concentrate instead on those fortunate enough to have found amnesty in theft by multi account fraud. I know and understand all the reasons ( well some of them at least) but that does not make it right.

    Bring back the characters who stimulate these forums and bring them back now. Where to else are we to go when frustration sticks its greasy little fingers into our eyes like burning needles after so many unexplained happenings on the verdant swarthes?

    I could go on, and probably will later. (but you knew that sweetiepie...)


    Lizzie xx

  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 10:05 AM


    We can probably all live without cheaper balls clubs and equipment, we can all live with supposed VEM and shots awry, but we should not and never ever ought to be denied freedom of speech. Should we.

    I totally agree Lizzie. I bet there is so many that won't speak up because of the threat of being banned. Lose their priveledge ( their right) to openly voice their words in a public forum without breaking the Terms and Conditions.

    Say something WGT doesn't want to hear, then face a banning ??  I guess it's not a free world after all.

  • Beryman
    9,098 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 10:32 AM

    even a real criminal serves their time and is given their freedom eventually.

    agreed!!   .....    those who will not forgive will not be forgiven

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 10:53 AM

    I do believe that there are many here who truly deserve to be banned for life, and good riddens to them.

    However, Mio is not one of them. He called it like he saw it with a loud voice and I for one, was glad to hear it. Sorry that ruffled your feathers there WGT.

    Hopefully WGT is mulling this over, but if a response is forthcoming, sadly it will probably be along the lines of:

    "Try clearing your cache" or "there seems to be a problem with your internet. Would you like to try again?". Some sort of Atypical WGT BS.

    Thank you for trying Lizzie. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2011 11:07 AM

    I appreciate very much who in real life has the face to say what he thinks, Mio is one of them for sure, so let Mio be among us soon, please WGT ...